Yoga Online

How To Teach Yoga Online (The Only Guide You Need)

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Interested in becoming an online yoga trainer? Our step-by-step guide will show you how! From setting up your online course to marketing and getting your early customers, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to be successful.

How To Teach Yoga Online?

The yoga industry is booming, projected to reach a staggering $200 billion by 2025. Yet, busy schedules and the increasing desire for convenience often make in-person classes a challenge.

This is where YOU, the passionate yoga instructor, can bridge the gap and reach a wider audience than ever before – by teaching yoga online.

When you teach yoga online you can:

Expand your reach

Increase income potential

Connect with a global network

Embrace convenience

All of this, from the comfort of your own home. So, are you interested to know more about 'How to teach yoga online?'

Keep reading, and you'll be equipped with everything you need to know to launch your successful online yoga classes.

Why Should You Start An Online Yoga Studio?

If you’re a yoga instructor who’s planning to set up an online yoga studio to teach yoga online, I say go for it! While it does take effort to set up an online yoga studio, the freedom and reach it offers are truly rewarding.

Here are just a few reasons why an online yoga studio can be great for you and your practice:

  • Reach A Wider Audience

With an online platform, you can break free from geographical limitations. You can teach students anywhere in the world. This is really helpful, especially for instructors teaching specific styles or yoga practice

  • Flexibility & Convenience

An online yoga studio is all about convenience. You can create pre-recorded classes and your students can access them based on their schedules.

So, no more rigid schedules for them. And, for you, it means you can set your own working hours. Win-win!

  • Passive Income Potential

Offering online yoga classes opens up various revenue streams for you. Pre-recorded classes, e-books, live-stream sessions, or online courses are some of the options.

You can either use your online studio as a primary source of income or use these options as your passive income.

  • Build A Global Community

The online world works and survives on connections. Building an online community will prove beneficial and your online studio can help you for sure.

You can build a community of students where you can easily interact with each other, thus building a supportive network.

  • Be Your Own Boss

Having your own online yoga studio gives you entrepreneurial freedom. You get to design and price your own classes and set your own schedules.

It's entirely up to you how you want to reflect your yoga skills to the world.

How To Start Your Own Online Yoga Studio?

Launching an online yoga studio is a cool way to share your passion with students all over the world. But, you might get overwhelmed on how to get started. Let me make it simple for you.

Here's how to get your online yoga school started:

1. Build Your Online Presence

The internet has opened a world of opportunity for passionate yoga instructors to share their practice and build a thriving online yoga studio. Here's how you can do it:

  • Through Social Media

Social media can be a game changer for you to teach yoga online. But, there are so many social media platforms out there, and you can't expect to get results from every platform.

So, the first thing you should work on is to target the right platforms for you. I suggest making YouTube your home.  YouTube pays you once you have certain watch hours and subscribers

Build Your Online Presence

Create videos about your yoga routines where students can see your form, hear your voice, and share their views in the comment section.

Also, don't just stop at YouTube. Take snippets from your YouTube videos, like short yoga routines, and share them on Instagram as reels (Short-form videos are trending right now). Make sure you create a good Instagram bio to attract the right audience.

If you still want more engagement, use Facebook groups to build community and spark discussions

Teach Yoga Online

  • Through Website:

A well-crafted website is super important for attracting students and establishing your Yoga business.

You'll be surprised to know that 84% of consumers believe that having a website makes a business more credible than just a social media page

Start Simple With A One-Page Website

Simplicity is the key! Having a website doesn't mean you need to have 5-6 pages of information. Just a single-page website is enough to deliver essential information.

Don’t try to code the website yourself. Use a website builder to launch your website. Start with a wireframe first so you are clear with your goal before using the website builder.

It's cost-effective and easy to maintain as well. Now here are some essential elements you can add to your website that'll be more than enough to bring in students:

  1. Hero Section: Create a captivating Hero section with a beautiful banner image or video showcasing your yoga practice
  2. About Us: Use this section to tell your story. Introduce yourself, your yoga philosophy, and the unique value you provide to your fellow yogi learners
  3. Class Descriptions: Take this opportunity to craft a clear outline about the type of yoga classes you want to offer. Also, don't forget to mention all the details like the class schedule, the difficulty levels, etc.
  4. Waitlist & Subscribe Form: Include a signup/ subscription form for interested visitors, so that they can sign up for the latest updates, special offers, or upcoming classes.
  5. Contact Information: Finally, make it easy for potential students to reach you by providing your contact details. Also, make sure to include your email address and links to your social media profiles.
Teach Yoga Online

Create Digital Products: Different Teaching Styles

Teaching yoga online offers convenience and flexibility, no doubt. But, keeping your students engaged online is a dynamic approach.

To stand out, you, as a yoga instructor, need to diversify your teaching styles. Here are some teaching styles that you can opt for:

1. On Demand Courses

On Demand courses are one of the most used and flexible ways to teach yoga online. It lets you practice yoga any time of the day. No more messing up your schedules to create a live class!

And, hey! Your students can access your classes in repetition. They can pause, play, rewind, or fast forward on specific parts of the video they want.

Recorded Course

You can also cater to all levels of learners by designing a structured course for beginners, intermediates, or experts.

Not just that, you can also start a multi-week program where you can focus on building strength, and flexibility, or teach specific yoga styles.

2. Live Cohorts

While pre-recorded classes offer flexibility, there's another approach that is gaining popularity- Live cohorts.

Many students like learning through interactive sessions alongside a dedicated group. So, you can create live cohorts where you can build connections and share experiences at the same time.

Live Cohorts

Live cohorts also give you a chance to observe the forms of your students. This way you can offer corrections and ensure that your fellow learners are practicing yoga safely and effectively.

3. Short Workshops

Busy schedules are a reality for many people, and finishing up a full yoga class might be difficult for them. This is where short workshops come in.

These bite-sized sessions are more manageable and won't make your students feel overwhelmed.

You can design short 30-60-minute workshops around specific topics like stress relief, core strengthening, or gentle stretches.

Short Workshops

Short workshops are also a great way to introduce new learners to yoga. This short format allows beginners to experience the benefits of yoga. And, who knows it might spark an interest in joining your full-fledged yoga class

Convert Followers Into Email List

I've seen most of the yoga instructors rely on social media to connect with their potential students.

But, there's another powerful tool that can take your online yoga studio to the next level, and that is Email lists.

Social media algorithms are always changing, and your posts might not always reach your followers. However, with emails, there is a direct line of communication and you'll always land up in your students' inbox.

Email Marketing

You can announce new courses, workshops, or even events to your subscribers. Not just that, you can also boost enrollments by offering incentives for signups or providing early bird discounts and many other such promotions.

Now, let’s dive into three interesting ways to generate your email lists.

1. Interactive Quizzes

Interactive quizzes can be a game-changer for yoga instructors. It's a strategic approach for not only making teaching fun but also for converting potential students to valuable email subscribers.

By designing quizzes that require an email to access results, you can gather valuable information about your subscribers. You can then use this to tailor your future content and offerings.

Create Quizzes

Interactive quizzes will also ensure further engagement and nurture leads. For igniting engagement, don't forget to add a proper CTA along with the quiz results. The CTA can further direct them to blog posts, upcoming workshops, or other discounts.

2. Digital Downloads

Another effective way to convert your followers into email subscribers is by providing them with digital downloads. Here are some types of digital downloads that you can offer:

  • Downloadable yoga routine PDFs for specific goals like beginner-friendly routines or Stress relief yoga routines
  • Meditation guides with step-by-step instructions
  • Yoga poses reference sheets with illustrations and descriptions of yoga poses

Recommendation: Once you have created your digital downloads, don't just give it away freely. Instead, gate them behind a signup form where followers must enter their email addresses to access the content.

Digital Downloads

3. Subscribe forms

Subscribe forms are strategic tools to capture email addresses from your audience. You can place these forms on your website and social media bios.

This will help you to connect and nurture your relationships with your students. But, let me tell you a secret: the key here is to offer some incentives. Here's how you can do it:

  • Offer bonus digital downloads- guides, and healthy recipes in exchange for a signup
  • Provide early access to workshops or announce special promotions to your email list
  • Host free yoga challenges through email. This will give your students a taste of your teaching style and encourage them to stay for future offerings

Nurture Email list into paying customers

75% of consumers say email is their preferred channel. This statistic proves that your email list holds great potential for your online business.

As a yoga instructor, you must nurture these subscribers into dedicated students. here's how you can do it:

1. Email campaigns

Sending emails is not just about sending messages, it's all about building relationships. To nurture your yoga email list into dedicated customers, you can:

  • Share informative yoga content
  • Craft targeted welcome emails to introduce yourself and your platform
  • Share student stories or online discussions for building a community through email
  • Finally, offer early bird discounts or limited-time promotions for your classes

FreshLearn's email marketing tool simplifies the process of creating and sending engaging email campaigns for your online knowledge business.

The user-friendly templates require zero HTML skills, allowing you to customize designs with ease using our intuitive drag-and-drop editor. The templates are fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across all screens.

Email Templates

2. Workflows

For yoga instructors teaching online, Workflows can be a powerful tool to convert email subscribers into paying customers.

Workflows are a pre-programmed series of steps that automate specific tasks. In the context of online yoga, you can create workflows to manage various aspects of your business, from marketing and lead nurturing to scheduling and class delivery.

These workflows take care of repetitive tasks, freeing up your valuable time to focus on what matters most i.e. connecting with your students and delivering exceptional yoga experiences.

Now, let’s dive into some strategies that you can use to ensure a smooth workflow:

  • Create automated email sequences targeting different subscriber segments. Provide valuable content to build relationships and guide them toward enrolling in your paid yoga classes.
  • Welcome new subscribers with a series introducing yourself and your teaching style. Offer a free gift like a mini-video lesson or a discount on their first class.
  • Deliver ongoing value with a content drip series on a specific yoga topic. Offer insights, tips, and short video demonstrations to keep subscribers engaged.
  • Win back inactive subscribers with a re-engagement series. Offer special discounts on a new course to entice them back.

Let me tell you, you get all of this in Freshlearn. With Freshlearn, you can effortlessly craft automated email sequences tailored to your contacts' journey.

Picture this: someone subscribes to your newsletter. Instantly, they receive a warm welcome email, followed by a series of three more emails spaced over the next few days.

These emails serve to familiarize them with your brand, showcase your offerings, and gently guide them toward making a purchase.

Have a look at an email sequence I’ve made using the Freshlearn template, and feel free to give it a spin yourself

Email Sequence

3. Online Workshops

Online workshops can really be helpful for yoga instructors for nurturing the email list. Firstly, workshops are a great way to showcase your teaching style and knowledge.

Workshops also allow you to target your email list. Based on participation, you can tailor future emails with relevant promotions for paid courses, increasing the chances of a sale.

Finally, limited-time workshops with exclusive content create a sense of urgency. This encourages subscribers to sign up for your paid programs before they miss out, boosting your chance of converting them into paying customers.

Here’s an example of how this Yoga instructor used a specific topic i.e. ‘Yoga for Stress’ for her workshop and used a ‘Click here to book’ option for getting sign-ups for her workshop.

Online WorkShops

4. Community

A community provides a space for your email subscribers to connect with like-minded individuals. This fosters a sense of belonging and keeps them engaged with yoga and your content. Giving the right community name is very important.

People are more likely to invest in something they feel passionate about, and a supportive community strengthens that passion for yoga.

A thriving community also acts as social proof. When potential customers see others actively participating and enjoying your teachings, it builds confidence in your programs.

You can easily build a community of collaborative learners with Freshlearn's community feature.

With complete control over automation and moderation, Freshlearn ensures that community activities run smoothly and effectively.

Freshlearn facilitates meaningful interactions between members and course instructors. The platform enhances the overall learning experience, encouraging active participation and knowledge exchange.

Also, monetization is made easy with integration options for payment gateways like Stripe or PayPal, allowing you to generate revenue from thriving communities.


5. Free Chapters Of The Course

Free chapters of your online course can prove to be a powerful lead magnet.

By offering valuable content upfront, you establish yourself as a knowledgeable and trustworthy yoga instructor.

And, once your students subscribe for the free chapters, you can easily integrate them into an email nurturing sequence.

For that, you can use follow-up emails that can offer additional resources, answer common questions, and gently promote the full course's benefits.

After nurturing your audience with valuable content and building trust, you can present them with targeted offers that address their specific needs and pain points. This could include:

  • Tiered Course Options: Offer a range of course options at different price points.
  • Limited-Time Discounts: Create a sense of urgency and incentivize immediate purchase by offering limited-time discounts on your full course.
  • Bonus Materials: Provide exclusive bonus materials, such as downloadable guides, templates, or access to a private community forum, for those who enroll in the full course.
Yoga for teach online

Convert Paying Customers Into Brand Ambassadors

Converting your paying yoga students into brand ambassadors online is all about building a community, giving loads of value, and using digital platforms smartly.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Testimonials

Positive experiences from real people build trust. Hearing how others benefited from your teaching puts newcomers at ease.

Testimonials highlight results. Did your classes help someone de-stress? Did they improve flexibility? Sharing these successes speaks volumes to potential students with similar goals.

Freshlearn’s testimonial feature is designed to ease the process of collecting and displaying testimonials on your website. Here's how Freshlearn helps you:

  • Effortless testimonial collection: With Freshlearn, you can easily generate a unique request link
  • Centralized Testimonial Management: All your testimonials can be conveniently stored in one place. And, with just a few clicks, you can access and review all the testimonials you've received.
  • Customizable Display Options: FreshLearn gives you full control over which testimonials you want to publish on your website. Whether you want to highlight specific reviews or rotate through a selection, it's all possible!

2. Referrals

Referrals are not something that can be underestimated. It's one of the strategic approaches that can turn satisfied students into brand ambassadors.

You may ask, why are referrals powerful?  The answer is that it comes from a trusted source.  When someone you know recommends online yoga classes, you're more likely to consider them.

A referral program lets you tap into existing student networks, reaching potential students who are already primed to be receptive because of the recommendation.

Affiliate Marketing

3. Community

Your online yoga community is more than just a classroom. It's a place where students connect, support each other, and feel like they belong.

Imagine students raving about your classes and inspiring others to join. That's the power of community. Encourage your students to share their yoga journeys - their success stories can become your best marketing.

Yoga Community

Also, reward your paying customers with exclusive content and events within the community. This keeps them engaged and positions you as a valuable resource, making them even more likely to sing your praises.

Challenges & solutions While Teaching Yoga Online

While online yoga offers flexibility and convenience for both teachers and students, there are some common challenges that might come along the way. Have a look at some common hurdles and how you can overcome them:

1. Creating Connection with Students

Teaching Yoga Online

One of the biggest hurdles for yoga instructors transitioning to online platforms is building a sense of connection with their students.

In a physical studio, the shared space, subtle adjustments, and group energy create a powerful sense of community. But, this can be difficult to replicate through a screen.

Students might feel isolated, and instructors may struggle to understand their needs or provide personalized guidance.


  • Start with a Warm Welcome: Dedicate a few minutes at the beginning of class for casual conversation. Ask students how they're feeling, share a thought or inspiration, and encourage them to do the same.
  • Embrace interactive elements: Utilize polls, breakout rooms for smaller group discussions, or even a virtual chat for questions throughout the class.
  • Celebrate milestones: Recognize students who are attending regularly or overcoming personal challenges in their practice. A simple shout-out can go a long way in building a supportive environment.

2. Maintaining Student Engagement

Maintaining Student Engagement

Maintaining student engagement is another common challenge faced by online instructors and yoga classes are no exception.

The absence of in-person interaction and the potential distractions of a home environment can make it difficult for students to stay focused and motivated.


  • Make it Interactive: Lectures can feel passive in a virtual setting. Encourage participation through polls, quizzes, or quick questions to gauge understanding. Break students into smaller virtual groups for partner poses or discussions on yoga philosophy.
  • Embrace Technology: Utilize the benefits of online platforms. Demonstrate poses with clear visuals, and consider pre-recording particularly challenging sequences students can reference later. Use breakout rooms for partner work or guided meditations.
  • Create a Community: Foster a sense of connection by incorporating greetings and introductions at the start of class. Encourage students to share experiences or ask questions throughout the session. Create a forum or social media group for students to connect outside of class time.
  • Variety is Key: Keep your classes fresh by incorporating different yoga styles, music tempos, and difficulty levels. Offer modifications for various abilities and encourage students to explore their own practice.

3. Technical Challenges

Technical Challenges

Choppy video streams, lagging audio, and unexpected connection drops are some of the technical glitches that can disrupt the flow of a class.

And, this can be frustrating for both the instructor and the participants, diminishing the overall yoga experience.


  • Test your tech: Before every class, do a test run to ensure your internet connection is stable, your audio is clear, and your camera provides a good view of your yoga mat.
  • Invest in good equipment: A reliable internet connection, a decent webcam, and a good-quality microphone can significantly improve your online yoga experience.
  • Choose the right platform: Look for platforms designed for online fitness classes that offer features like screen sharing and multiple camera angles.
  • Be tech-savvy: Familiarize yourself with the chosen platform beforehand. Many platforms offer tutorials and guides to help users get comfortable with their features.

Final Words

So, there you have it! With a little planning, the right equipment, and a passion for sharing yoga, you can create your dream online yoga school.

Always remember, that the most important thing is to be yourself, offer valuable classes, and build a supportive community.

Now, if you're ready to take the plunge and launch your online yoga empire, FreshLearn can be your one-stop shop. The platform has everything a yoga instructor needs to get started.

From building a beautiful website to managing your students and payments. You get it all!

So, why wait any longer?  Turn your yoga-teaching dreams into reality with FreshLearn. Sign up for a free trial today and see how we can help you share the gift of yoga with the world!

Online course Creation platform
Online Course Creation Platform

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Hosted by

Rahul Mehta

Rahul Mehta

Empowering creators worldwide to create,market and sell "anything they know" :)