How To Teach Cooking Online

How To Teach Cooking Online?

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Hey there food enthusiasts!

Have you ever thought of sharing your culinary expertise with people around the globe? If yes, this is your chance.

Teaching cooking online is not only about sharing recipes or your cooking skills, it’s all about connecting with other learners, sharing each other’s style, and most importantly- doing what you really love

Imagine the joy of teaching others how to recreate your signature dishes or introduce them to new and exciting cuisines from the comfort of your own home. Online courses create a lasting impact, allowing you to share your culinary legacy with future generations of home cooks.

In this blog- ‘How to teach cooking online’, we’re about to explore everything you need as a creator to start your own online cooking courses.

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Why Should You Teach Cooking Online?

Teach Cooking Online

If you’re still thinking about why you should teach cooking online, here are some reasons why it could be a fulfilling and rewarding experience:

1. Join the trend, Be an influencer

The popularity of online content is booming, and people are increasingly looking for ways to learn new skills. This is your opportunity to step into this growing market, create amazing content, and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

2. Expand your business

If you're a chef, run a restaurant, or even a food blogger, online cooking classes can be a fantastic way to extend your brand reach and connect with a new audience. You can showcase your expertise and potentially attract new customers.

3. Leave a legacy

Documenting your culinary knowledge through online courses can create a lasting legacy. You can share family recipes, cooking techniques, and cultural food traditions in a way that can be accessed and enjoyed by future generations.

4. Make a social impact

Nowadays, there’s also a growing interest in healthy eating habits and cultural understanding.

So, your online cooking course can also focus on specific dietary needs, sustainability practices, or exploring cuisines from different parts of the world.

How to Start Your Own Online Cooking Class?

Now, if you’re ready to turn your culinary skills into a business by starting your online class, here are some strategies that we’ve outlined for you:

1. Build your online presence

Building your online presence cannot be neglected in today's digital space. You have to be seen in order to establish your credibility. Here’s how you can build it using two most important elements:

a. Social Media

When launching an online cooking course, YouTube can be an ideal platform where you can showcase your face, voice, and culinary skills. This is a great starting point to foster a personal connection with your audience.

To start off, you can create a channel with a catchy name reflecting your expertise. Maintain a consistent posting schedule, offering a mix of recipe tutorials, tips, and personal anecdotes to engage viewers.

Online Cooking Classes

Not just that, you also need to Interact with your audience by responding to comments and feedback promptly, fostering a sense of community.

Finally, you can collaborate with influencers and chefs to expand your reach. Also, do not forget an important thing- optimize your content with keywords, playlists, and thumbnails to enhance discoverability.

Utilize YouTube's features like end screens and cards to direct viewers to your course offerings or website.

Share compelling stories to emotionally resonate with your audience, inspiring them to join your culinary journey. With YouTube as your primary platform, you can build a strong online presence, attracting aspiring chefs eager to learn from your expertise.

b. Website:

When launching an online cooking course, building a sturdy online presence through a website is as crucial as social media for reaching your audience.

Now, you don’t have to break your head into building a website with 4-5 pages. You can

begin by creating a one-page website that will serve as your central hub.

Online cooking website

This single page is enough to convey your course's essence, saving visitors time and effort in navigating through multiple pages.

Within this page, prominently feature details about your cooking course, including its unique selling points, such as the cuisines covered, skill levels catered to, and any special features like live Q&A sessions or downloadable recipes.

Also, don’t forget to integrate a waitlist feature on your website to generate anticipation and gauge interest even before the course officially launches.

A waitlist not only helps you measure demand but also allows interested individuals to secure their spots early, fostering a sense of exclusivity and urgency. Additionally, include a subscription form where visitors can sign up to receive updates, cooking tips, and exclusive offers.

2. Create Digital Products

Creating digital products for an online cooking course involves a blend of creativity, strategic planning, and an understanding of your audience's needs. Here are some different strategies that you can use for creating engaging content for your course:

a. On-demand courses

On-demand cooking courses have transformed online culinary education by offering unparalleled flexibility and accessibility.

These pre-recorded courses allow students to learn at their own pace, making it easier to master intricate recipes and skills.

As a course creator, you're juggling content, technology, and pedagogy. FreshLearn simplifies your workflow, enabling quick, scalable course creation without sacrificing user experience.

With FreshLearn's intuitive drag-and-drop builder, you can create impactful courses without any coding skills, allowing you to focus on your content while it handles the technical details.

Create an Online course

You can also enhance your courses by easily incorporating diverse content types such as text, images, audio, video, slides, and interactive elements. This ensures you provide the right content at the right time for optimal learning results.

b. Live cohorts

When you decide to teach cooking online, you also want to foster a sense of community and interactivity, don’t you? And what better way than Live cohorts?

So, live cohorts allow for real time interaction that helps in addressing problems and ensuring that students correctly replicate recipes and techniques.

The scheduled, interactive nature of live cohorts boosts motivation and accountability, making the learning process more engaging and enjoyable.

Create Cohort Based Courses

Also, you as an instructor can tailor your lessons to the cohort’s specific needs, providing personalized guidance that enhances the overall learning experience.

c. Short Workshops

Short workshops are concise sessions that you can create on specific skills or techniques, making them perfect for learners with busy schedules.

The compact nature of short workshops helps maintain student engagement and interest, which is crucial in an online setting where attention spans can be shorter.

Short Workshop

Additionally, the flexibility of short workshops, with options for various time slots and recorded versions, makes them accessible to a global audience with diverse schedules and learning preferences.

This adaptability broadens the reach of cooking lessons and caters to different learning styles, inspiring a new generation of home chefs.

3. Convert Followers into an Email List

In order to build a dedicated and engaged audience, converting followers into email lists can be an effective strategy. Here are some of the ways that you can convert your followers and build an effective email list:

a. Interactive Quizzes

As an online cooking instructor, you should definitely use the power of interactive quizzes to convert your valuable members into an email list.

These quizzes serve as dynamic educational tools that not only impart knowledge but also foster meaningful engagement with my followers.

One of the most significant benefits of quizzes is the valuable data they provide about the audience. In exchange for their participation, followers can be offered exclusive recipes, cooking tips, or access to special events.

Create Assessment

b. Digital Downloads

Offering a digital download, such as an exclusive e-book containing advanced cooking techniques or secret family recipes can be a great way to incentivize your followers for their email addresses.

This in turn helps in building a long-term relationship-building strategy. Once your followers have downloaded the resource and subscribed to the email list, you get the opportunity to nurture these relationships over time.

Digital Download

By consistently delivering valuable content, personalized recommendations, and exclusive offers via email, instructors can keep their audience engaged and invested in their online cooking community.

c. Subscribe forms

Subscribe forms are another great way that can help build an email list by offering incentives like free recipes or cooking tips in exchange for email subscriptions.

These forms create a direct channel for instructors to share exclusive content, updates, and special offers, fostering a sense of community and loyalty among subscribers.

SubScription Forms

These are ways that can enable you to gather feedback and tailor your content to meet the needs of your audience, ultimately strengthening engagement and building lasting relationships.

4. Nurture Email list into paying customers

Now that you have built your email list, your next important duty is to nurture it. Nurturing an email list into paying customers while teaching cooking online requires a delicate blend of culinary expertise and effective marketing strategies.

Let us now dive into strategies on how to nurture your list:

a. Email campaigns

Email campaigns act as a platform for establishing your credibility and are an exceptional way to nurture your email list.

By segmenting audiences and delivering personalized content, instructors can cater to specific interests and skill levels, driving engagement and loyalty.

Email Campaigns

Furthermore, email campaigns serve as effective channels for promoting paid offerings such as online classes and workshops, ultimately leading to conversions and revenue generation.

Not to forget,  email campaigns also play a crucial role in guiding subscribers through their culinary journey and turning them into paying customers.

b. Workflows

Email workflows provide a structured approach to nurturing leads through the sales funnel. By delivering targeted content that addresses the specific needs and pain points of your audience, you can gradually build trust and credibility, making it more likely for subscribers to make a purchase when the time is right.

Moreover, establishing an automated email sequence enables you to deliver timely and relevant content to subscribers throughout their journey.

When you strategically time your emails to coincide with key milestones, such as when a subscriber signs up for your newsletter, completes a cooking course, or expresses interest in a particular recipe category, you can nurture their interest and guide them toward making a purchase.

c. Online Workshops

Online workshops are a kind of virtual gathering where cooking instructors can build meaningful connections. Not only that, you can also establish yourself as a credible expert in your culinary realm.

One key strategy for nurturing email lists into paying customers during online cooking workshops is to offer exclusive discounts or promotions to participants who sign up for the instructor's mailing list.

Online Workshop

This incentivizes attendees to join the email list, thereby expanding the instructor's reach and potential customer base.

Additionally, instructors can use email marketing campaigns to follow up with workshop attendees, providing them with further resources, recipes, and offers tailored to their interests and skill levels.

d. Community

Engaging with the community makes the learning process so much easier and fun. When you are a part of an interactive community, you can gather valuable feedback, course offerings, and teaching methods directly from your audience.

Furthermore, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the community can significantly impact conversion rates.

Create Community

Encouraging members to connect with each other, share their progress, and celebrate achievements creates a supportive environment that encourages retention and advocacy.

e. Free chapters of the course

Free chapters are like giving your email list a taste of your awesome cooking knowledge. You show them what you're all about, from your teaching style to killer recipes. This builds trust and makes them see the culinary arts they need.

Think of it this way: the free chapters are the trailer, and your full course is the blockbuster movie.

You give them a glimpse of the excitement, the valuable lessons, and the delicious outcome they can achieve by enrolling. With a little email nurturing, you can turn those curious cooks into confident chefs and paying customers, ready to conquer the kitchen alongside you!

5. Convert Paying Customers Into Brand Ambassadors

In the virtual cooking class world, turn happy customers into your biggest fans with these tips:

a. Testimonials

Testimonials are more than just praise for your online cooking classes, they build trust and credibility.

Potential students are often hesitant about online learning. Seeing real people, with relatable experiences, and raving about your classes instantly builds trust and credibility.

Testimonials showcase the positive impact of your program, giving new students the confidence to take the leap. With Freshlearn, you can get testimonials with just a few clicks. With the ability to create fully customizable content, you can add a logo, customize the CTA button, and add a Thank you message after your testimonial submission.


b. Referrals

When a student enjoys your classes, they're more likely to recommend them to friends and family who share similar culinary interests.

Referral programs capitalize on this natural enthusiasm, turning satisfied customers into vocal supporters.

Referral programs can foster a sense of community within your student base.  When students recommend your classes, they're not just promoting a service – they're inviting others to join a shared learning experience.

Affiliate Marketing

This creates a network effect, where students feel connected to a larger group with similar interests, further strengthening their loyalty to your brand.

c. Community

The best online cooking classes community can create amazing brand ambassadors! For building thriving communities, host live Q&A, forums, and challenges.

Recognize student successes and offer exclusive content. This creates a supportive network where your brand is seen as a hub for positive experiences and expertise.

Do all of this and watch your students become enthusiastic advocates, drawing others in through their love for your classes.

Challenges & Solutions

While teaching cooking online may sound fun, creators also face some obstacles. Here are some of the challenges along with logical solutions:

1. Conveying Visual Techniques

Visual Techniques

Cooking relies heavily on visual cues and hands-on practice. So, filming techniques like knife skills or proper sauteing clearly and concisely can be difficult.


  • Use multiple camera angles like close-up shots to showcase knife work, hand movements, and proper mixing techniques.
  • Break down complex techniques into smaller steps with slow-motion segments or time-lapses for better visualization.
  • Narrate the cooking process with each step, explaining everything with a proper voice-over for a better understanding

2. Standardizing for Different Kitchens

Online Cooking

As a cooking instructor, you will be in touch with different students whose  kitchens will vary in equipment and ingredients. So, you need to offer alternatives and substitutes while still achieving the desired outcome (which can be a problem for you).


  • Provide alternative ingredients or equipment options throughout the recipe, explaining how they might affect the final outcome.
  • Emphasize core cooking skills like knife work and proper cooking temperatures that are applicable across recipes and kitchens.
  • Demonstrate how to adjust the recipe based on available ingredients or dietary restrictions.

3. Limited Interaction

Limitted Interaction

Unlike an in-person class where instructors or professional chefs can answer questions on the fly, it becomes difficult for online creators to keep the interaction going with the online students


  • Host live sessions alongside pre-recorded videos to answer student questions in real time.
  • Incorporate text overlays within the video highlighting key points or potential troubleshooting tips.
  • Build an online forum or social media group where students can ask questions and interact with each other.

Final Words

Now that you’ve learned all the strategies to become a successful online cooking instructor, you’re ready to share your recipes and skills with the online world.

Remember, the most important ingredient is your passion for cooking. Let your enthusiasm shine through, and you’ll inspire your students to create delicious meals in their own kitchens. And to make your journey even smoother, try Freshlearn! This all-in-one platform has all the tools you need to teach cooking online.

Online Course Creation Platform

From creating beautiful course content with easy-to-follow recipes and engaging video lectures to managing student enrollment and keeping them connected through interactive forums, Freshlearn makes your process much easier.

Sign Up Today and start your journey as a creator!

Online Teaching Platform

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Hosted by

Rahul Mehta

Rahul Mehta

Empowering creators worldwide to create,market and sell "anything they know" :)