Teach Music Online

How to Teach Music Online?

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The world is your classroom! The internet has transformed the way we learn, and music education is no exception.

This shift towards virtual learning isn't just a trend – it's a revolution. The virtual classroom expands your reach, allowing you to connect with students from any location.

This opens doors to teaching students you might not have been able to reach geographically, or those with busy schedules seeking lessons at convenient times.

TeachMusic Online

Additionally, online platforms can streamline lesson planning and resource sharing, while also potentially reducing overhead costs. Online music education isn't just convenient, it's also incredibly effective.

In this blog, we'll guide you through everything you need to know to get started from setting up your virtual classroom to creating engaging online lessons and fostering a thriving online community of music lovers.

Why Should You Start Your Own Online Music Class?

With the online music education market estimated to reach a market size of $3,700.084 million by 2028, I think it’s a good time for you to start your own online classes

So, if you're a passionate musician with teaching experience and want to teach music online, here are some reasons you can consider:

Teach From Anywhere

When you teach music online, you can ditch the commute and set up your dream teaching environment. Whether it's a soundproofed room filled with instruments or a vibrant outdoor space, you can design a setting that inspires both you and your students.

This flexibility extends to your schedule as well.  As an online music instructor you can cater to students of any time zone from any part of the world.

Early mornings or late evenings? No problem! You can tailor your class times to fit your life, ensuring a healthy work-life balance while still sharing your passion for music.

This remote approach also breaks down geographical barriers. You can connect with students in remote areas who might not have access to quality music education otherwise.

Flexibility Is The Key

One of the biggest difficulties you might face as a music teacher is finding the time.

Between work, family, and other commitments, squeezing in a music class at a set time each week can feel impossible.

This is where online music classes shine! Flexibility is a key advantage they offer. You can prepare your classes at your own pace, on your own schedule.

With online music classes, you can choose a time slot that works best for you, whether it's early in the morning before the day gets going or a quiet evening slot. This flexibility makes teaching music much easier.

Cater To Everyone's Learning Style

The ability to cater to a unique learning style is another great benefit that comes with teaching music online.

Traditional in-person classes often rely on a single teaching method, which can leave some students behind.  The online environment allows for a much more flexible approach.

For example: Visual learners can benefit from instructional videos, interactive exercises, and sheet music downloads.

Auditory learners can thrive with audio recordings, guided listening activities, and opportunities to record themselves playing.

Kinesthetic learners can find online classes surprisingly engaging. They can participate in online jam sessions, explore music production and creation software, and even take virtual tours of famous recording studios.

Say Goodbye To Studio Rent

Studio rent can be a big drain on your resources, especially when you're just starting out as a music teacher. By taking your music class online, you can completely eliminate the cost of studio space.

This also means you can free up a substantial amount of money that you can reinvest into your teaching materials, and technology, or even lower your lesson fees to attract more students.

Build A Global Community

Online music classes expand your horizons beyond the classroom walls.

You get a chance to connect with students from different countries, each bringing their unique musical backgrounds and cultural influences.

This global exchange helps you build a vibrant community where you can share ideas, inspire each other, and learn from diverse musical perspectives.

You can also collaborate on virtual performances, discuss music theory across borders, and forge friendships that transcend location.

How To Start Your Own Music Class?

Whether a beginner or an experienced who wants to explore the horizons of starting an online music school, given below are some strategies that you can use to get started:

Build your online presence

Creating your space online takes two important approaches- social media for engagement and a website for a home base. Here's how you can use these approaches to build a strong  online presence

Social Media

Social media can be a powerful tool for music teachers, but you need to choose your platforms wisely.

Also, there isn't one PERFECT platform and each of them has their own benefits

Say, for example, YouTube is a great platform for delivering video lessons, tutorials, and even live streams. Instagram is a place where you can share snippets of your lessons, and music tips or connect with a younger audience and build a community.

Social Media

However, it all boils down to who you're trying to reach (target audience) and the type of content you want to share (content format).


When you've decided to teach music online, a website is a must-have for you. It's like a headquarters where you attract potential students, showcase your expertise, and handle all your enrollment process. Now, let's have a look at how you can use your website to get more students:

Start Simple With A One-page website

When I say create a website, don't get intimidated and start breaking your head into creating a complex website design. My advice is: Get started with a single-page website!

Keep it simple with essential information like your musical background, class descriptions, and the unique value you want to provide your learners.

Also, don't forget to add captivating visuals and student testimonials (with permission). That's all you need!

Capture Interest with a Waitlist and Subscribe Form

Now comes an interesting and strategic part of your website. So, after you have your website ready, you can't expect to just start getting students out of nowhere.

Here's where you need to integrate a waitlist form where interested students can sign up to get notified regarding your lessons, workshops, or any other online events.

You can also include a subscription form for an email newsletter. This allows you to share valuable music tips, performance updates, and exclusive offers, keeping your audience engaged and nurturing long-term relationships.

Subscription Form

Create Digital Products

Digital products offer a powerful way to launch your music school. They serve as a low-cost, scalable method to establish yourself as a music educator and attract potential students.

Here's how:

On-demand courses

To teach music online, you can record your courses and use it as a powerful launchpad. Pre-recorded lessons save on costs and ensure consistent teaching.

You can scale to more students without extra staff and keep adding new content to attract a wider audience.

You can also continually develop and add new recorded courses to your curriculum, keeping your offerings fresh and relevant.

Creating an online course is fun when you choose the right online learning platform. With an all-in-one platform, you can easily take up multiple responsibilities and create your course in no time.

On Demand Courses

Live cohorts

Since online learning gives you the flexibility of taking classes from the comfort of your room, but, isn't some kind of engagement always better for learning?

Here's where Live cohorts come in. Live sessions are more engaging. And, unlike pre-recorded classes it keeps the spark alive between  the instructor and students.

This enables immediate feedback, clarification of doubts, and personalized guidance, which is crucial for mastering musical skills.

Live Cohorts

Students can ask questions, receive corrections, and participate in discussions, leading to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

So, how do you leverage live cohorts?

  • Utilize video conferencing platforms to create virtual classrooms where students can interact seamlessly.
  • Plan group activities like ensemble playing or songwriting exercises to foster collaboration.
  • Encourage discussions and peer feedback to make learning dynamic and engaging.

Short Workshops

Short workshops are like a test drive for your music school. It's like giving a taste of your teaching style to your students and letting them see if they enjoy your approach. This approach is more likely to attract students to sign up for regular classes.

Plus, leading workshops lets you show off your musical skills and teaching ability. This establishes you as a credible music educator, convincing people your school is the right choice.

So, make sure to use a powerful page builder to create a landing page for your workshop so that you get enough signups.

Short Workshops

Workshops are shorter and cheaper than regular classes, so they're easier for people to try out. This can turn curious attendees into long-term students.

Finally, workshops are mini-marketing events. They let you spread the word about your music school and build a community of interested people who might become your students.

Convert Followers into Email List

Social media followers are good, but email subscribers are even better. I'll tell you why.

Emails get past algorithms, letting you connect directly with interested followers. You can build trust by sharing music knowledge and news, then use emails to announce your school launch and target specific interests.

But how do you master the email game? Here's how you can do it:

Interactive Quizzes

Interactive quizzes for your online music school are a fun way to grab attention.  These engaging games let followers explore their musical interests while you learn about them. It's a win-win!

Quizzes don't just entertain, they inform. By answering questions about musical background and goals, followers give you valuable insights. This lets you tailor your future content and courses to exactly what your audience craves.

Want to convert followers into students? Quizzes with personalized results are the key.  Offer followers exclusive content and discounts based on their quiz answers in exchange for their email address. This builds your email list and sets the stage for turning followers into lifelong music lovers.

Digital Downloads

By offering exclusive downloadable content related to music education, you provide value to your followers and incentivize them to sign up for your email list.

This could include ebooks, practice exercises, bonus lessons, or even short, downloadable song tutorials.

You can use these downloads to capture email addresses by creating a direct line to followers outside of social media's reach.

Digital Downloads

Through digital downloads, you can also build your own community. For this, you can offer downloadable challenges that encourage interaction among followers.

This will further position your email list as a hub for exclusive content and foster a sense of belonging.

Subscribe forms

If I had to describe subscribe forms shortly, I'd say it's a tool that helps you convert casual followers into invested students.

They act as a bridge between your social media presence and your email list, which is a powerful tool for fostering loyalty and driving conversions.

Using these forms, you can segment your audience based on their interests (vocals, guitar, etc.) and tailor your emails to their specific needs.

Through email, you can create a more personal connection with your followers. Share valuable content like practice tips, exclusive interviews with musicians, or early access to new courses.

Subscription forms

And, once you've established that trust, you can now use email marketing to promote your online music courses. You can target promotions and special offers exclusive to email subscribers and attract them to enroll and become paying students.

Nurture Email List Into Paying Customers

In your journey of teaching music online, building an email list is a crucial first step.

But an email list alone won't pay the bills. That's where the power of nurturing email campaigns comes in.

Nurturing your email list is the art of turning those initial subscribers into invested, paying students.

Here's how it works:

Email campaigns

Email campaigns are one of the key tools that help you transform those email addresses into paying customers.

Email campaigns position your music school as a helpful resource, not just a place to enroll.

It helps to connect with your audience on a personal level.Furthermore, email segmentation allows you to tailor your message to specific audiences.

Imagine sending guitar tips to those interested in the instrument, or vocal training info to singers. This targeted approach makes your message more relevant, fostering a connection with your audience.

Don't forget about promotions! Emails are a great way to announce limited-time discounts, early access to new programs, or bundled packages.  This creates a sense of urgency and incentivizes them to sign up.

Emails are also perfect for addressing concerns. With easy-to-use templates from Freshlearn, you can easily showcase testimonials, highlight flexible learning options, or even offer free introductory lessons.

Freshlearn's flexible drag-and-drop editor also allows you to customize the templates. The best part here is you need ZERO coding experience.

Email templates


Workflows automate the process of nurturing your email list, ultimately converting potential students into paying customers.

Deliver the right message at the right time, and trust me, you’ll significantly  boost your online music school's enrollment rates.

Imagine, your students have enrolled into your course and they receive a warm welcome email followed by helpful content tailored to their instrument of choice. Isn’t that a good feeling?

This way workflows personalize the experience, fostering a connection with your school. Consistent, valuable emails build trust, making them more receptive to future offerings.

Welcome Emails

Workflows also free up your time by automating repetitive tasks. Welcome new subscribers, deliver pre-written course content at scheduled intervals, or send reminders about upcoming workshops – all on autopilot.

This allows you to focus on creating high-quality content and interacting with students.

Online Workshops

Incorporating online workshops into your email marketing is another strategic approach to nurture your leads.

Workshops allow you to segment your email list based on interests. Use this opportunity to design workshops catering to specific instruments, skill levels, or musical genres.

This targeted approach ensures your audience receives relevant content, fostering a deeper connection with your music school.

Online Workshops

It also acts as a powerful lead magnet.  By offering a free workshop in exchange for email signups, you attract individuals genuinely interested in learning music.

The best part is workshops create a space for interaction. Host live Q&A sessions or interactive exercises within the workshop.This will allow potential students to directly experience your teaching style and personality.


When you teach music online, it's an engaging community that truly unlocks your potential of nurturing leads. Here's why:A community fosters a sense of belonging and shared passion for music.  Within this environment, you can build trust and rapport with your audience. Subscribers see you not just as a seller, but as a guide and resource  on their musical journey.

Create Community

Through community interactions, you gain valuable insights into your audience's specific musical aspirations, preferred learning styles, and any challenges they face.

This allows you to tailor your email content to directly address their needs, making your offerings more relevant and enticing.

Free chapters of the course

People are usually hesitant to invest in something they don't understand. So, take this as an opportunity to provide a taste of your teaching style, course content, and overall value.

Once someone signs up for your email list to access the free chapters, you can send targeted emails.

These emails can answer common questions, address specific pain points your course solves (e.g., mastering a tricky technique), and showcase success stories from past students.

Finally, free chapters allow potential students to experience the course format and quality firsthand.

This can clear doubts about whether the course aligns with their learning style or skill level.

Convert Paying Customers Into Brand Ambassadors

New students are more likely to trust recommendations from real people than traditional advertising.

This is how you can share authentic experience of people who have experienced the value of your music school firsthand:


Testimonials go beyond factual claims. They often weave in personal stories of growth, overcoming challenges, and achieving musical goals.

These narratives resonate with potential students on an emotional level, allowing them to envision themselves experiencing similar success at your school.


Testimonials can be strategically chosen to address common anxieties prospective students might have about online learning. Does anyone mention overcoming their initial hesitation about virtual lessons?

Showcase that testimonial to show that you’ve successfully helped students learn in an online environment.


Referrals are magic for your online music school. Here's why: People trust recommendations from friends and family.

When a happy student refers to your school, it's like a trusted friend vouching for you. Plus, referral programs reward students for spreading the word, making them feel invested in your success.

To create a winning referral program, offer cool rewards students actually want, like free lessons or discounts.


Make referring friends super easy, with a seamless referral system. Finally, show your referred-by students some love! Public recognition keeps them engaged and inspires others to join the referral party.


Building a community around your online music school isn't just about offering lessons; it's about fostering a passionate ecosystem. This space allows students to connect, share experiences, and support each other's musical journeys.

This shared passion creates a positive association with your school, turning satisfied customers into brand advocates.  The community also fuels organic content creation, with students sharing performances and tips.

Furthermore, the positive testimonials and success stories exchanged within the community build trust and social proof for potential students. When your customers actively participate in these conversations, they become credible voices endorsing your brand.

With Freshlearn's community feature, you can easily build and nurture your own community. You get all the features like:

  • launching paid or free communities
  • complete control to automate and moderate community activities
  • custom branding and monetization, and much more

Challenges & Solutions

No doubt, online music teaching comes with a flexible and accessible option for both students and instructors, but it does have its own set of hurdles.

Let's have a look at some challenges along with logical solutions for it

Technical glitches

Technical issues like delays in sound and image are really frustrating for both teacher and student to give and receive feedback in real-time.

Plus, internet hiccups are another issue that can interrupt a lesson, creating problems especially for complex concepts.

Technical glitches


  • Strong internet: Both teacher and student should prioritize a strong connection for reliable bandwidth.
  • Right platform: Choose platforms designed for online music lessons, which often have features to reduce latency and improve audio quality.
  • Quality equipment: Invest in a good headset with a microphone and consider an external audio interface for better sound quality.
  • Tech check: Before the lesson, do a quick test call to ensure audio and video are working properly.
  • Backup plan: Be prepared for the unexpected. Have a backup communication platform or reschedule if necessary.


Unlike physical classrooms, proper engagement is always an issue in a virtual learning environment.  Since, there is limited interaction and participation, it's easy for the students to lose interest from your classes.



  • Make it interactive: Incorporate interactive activities like music bingo, where students identify musical elements they hear. Or, utilize features like quizzes to keep students engaged.
  • Breakdown barriers: Encourage active participation through frequent check-ins, polls, and open discussions. Use breakout rooms for discussions or mini-performances to create a more social experience.
  • Encourage feedback: Provide clear and specific feedback throughout the lesson, but also encourage students to ask questions and share their progress. This two-way communication is super important for keeping students invested.

Software limitations

Sometimes, even  with a decent internet connection, there can be a slight delay (latency) between teacher and student.

This is because many music teaching platforms are designed for general video conferencing, not specifically for musical instruction. This can act as another hurdle in your journey.

Software limitations


  • Specialized Software Development: Invest in creating software specifically designed for online music education. This could include features like: Low-latency audio/video technology, virtual instrument simulations etc.
  • Embrace Asynchronous Learning: While real-time interaction is valuable, incorporating asynchronous elements can be beneficial. Pre-recorded video lessons can demonstrate techniques, and students can submit recordings for detailed feedback outside of live sessions.
  • Creative Use of Technology: Several software programs are specifically designed for online music education. These tools offer features like interactive notation software, real-time feedback systems for specific instruments, and collaborative music creation platforms.

Are You Ready To Start Your Music School?

Now that you have all the strategies at your disposal, I'm sure you're ready to get started.  Just remember to take the right approaches, and you'll surely have a successful online music school with a great community of music lovers.

Here at Freshlearn, we understand the unique needs of online music educators. Our platform provides all the tools and features you need to create a seamless and interactive learning experience for your student.

Start your Music School

This includes website-building tools, email marketing functionalities, and even community management features –  all under one roof!

So, sign up for your FREE trial and start building your dream online music school

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Hosted by

Rahul Mehta

Rahul Mehta

Empowering creators worldwide to create,market and sell "anything they know" :)