Teach Online

Why Teach Online in 2024? 8 Benefits of Virtual Learning

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Wondering if online teaching is for you? Check out these benefits of virtual learning, and see why now is the time to start a career in e-learning.

With the swift shift from traditional classrooms to online classes, e-learning is booming right now.

Custom Market Insights (CMI) reports predict that the global e-learning market will be worth approximately USD 848.1 billion by the year 2030, growing at a CAGR of 17.53%, as of 2023.

So, there’s a huge demand for online learning right now that tutors can fulfill.

And, with technology advancing at a rapid rate, the old brick-and-mortar classrooms may soon become obsolete!

So, if you are a tutor or someone who has been willing to try their hands at teaching online, now is the time to make the transition!

Get ahead of the curve and start teaching online today!

But, if you aren’t really convinced yet, here are some reasons to answer your question - “why teach online”.

Reasons every tutor should start teaching online

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Teaching online

Becoming a teacher is, in itself, a prestigious career and comes with numerous perks.

The good news is that the benefits only go up once you switch to online teaching.

Here’s how.

1. Remote Learning and Flexibility

When it comes to learning, the key is flexibility - and that's exactly what online tutoring provides!

One of the best benefits of online teaching is being able to teach from anywhere at any time.

And, that’s something students can benefit from as well.

Nobody has to stick to rigid schedules anymore. Online tutoring platforms let students and teachers meet their goals without an inflexible timeline thanks to self-paced learning!

So, you can now easily create a balance between personal life and professional development while still managing other pursuits such as full-time jobs, education commitments, or even parenting duties – with room left over for hobbies too.

2. Multifold earnings

If you are worried that shifting to online teaching will impact your income - yes, in a good way!

Recent data from PayScale indicates that most online educators earn between $10.16 and $40.31 per hour, with experienced professionals pulling in around $20+ hourly!

Need more reassurance that teaching online won’t make you go broke?

Read what FreshLearn creator Deepak Goyal has to say about the data engineering course that he launched on the platform -

“My course generated $6500+ of sales in less than 72 hours.”

What further added to his revenue, Deepak says, is the zero sales commission policy of FreshLearn, which isn’t the case on other platforms like Udemy.

“I paid 70% commission to the Udemy marketplace for every sale, and I wasn't making much out of this model. By selling a $30 course, I made just $9.” Deepak adds.

Just like the platform you choose, the demand of the subject you teach also plays a role in deciding how much you will make.

Nevertheless, with the right set of skills that can help learners around the world reach their goals and gain the knowledge they need – everything from math fundamentals to marketing analytics - you’ve got an opportunity!

Your earnings might depend on experience level, qualifications, and even geography, but with patience and commitment, there is no limit to what online instructors can do!

3. Saving commute time

What adds more to the time efficiency of online teaching is that you need not waste hours traveling to a workspace miles away amidst rush hour traffic.

At the same time, you can say goodbye to exorbitant travel costs as well.

Instead, you can invest the money and time in your planning and executing your online teaching career.

4. Enhance the reach

With online tutoring, you can reach far beyond the walls of your classroom to help those who are in need!

And it’s even easier today when you spread the word with just a few clicks and posts on social media.

All you need to do is choose the right social media platform and tap into the connection you have there.

Deepak shares how a contributing factor behind his soaring course sales was a post on LinkedIn

“I shared my cohort sales landing page with my followers on LinkedIn.”, he says.

And, you already know the earnings it landed him in almost no time!

You can let people know about your classes via any channel that you think will work the best for you - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and of course, LinkedIn too.

Lend your knowledge from anywhere across the globe and play an incredible part in shaping these young minds' futures - it's time to spread that impact even wider!

5. Degree not compulsory

Teaching requires much more than a degree!

With platforms like FreshLearn, you don’t need any fancy qualifications or diplomas - all that matters is how passionate and creative you are in sharing knowledge with others!

Think outside-the-box teaching with zero restraints from postures or body language - it's up to you how creative (and successful!) your classes will be.

So if finding work without credentials has been holding you back from stepping foot in front of a class – why not give online tutoring a go?

6. Utilizing the latest technologies

Today's tech-savvy Millennials have access to an exciting world of learning.

A noteworthy impact of online teaching on teachers is that you get to try your hands at the latest technology and make yourself fluent in them.

In fact, you can even break down tricky theories through immersive tools such as VR or AR - turning learning into an adventure instead of a chore!

You can also make use of video lectures and chat options to keep your learners hooked.

FreshLearn creator Tim Hobbs says how all these features on the platform helped him gain significant profit in the very first year.

“With FreshLearn, I found an intuitive platform and a team to help me realize my dream of publishing and promoting my first online problem-solving course to the world.”, he says.

Tim is a US army veteran-turned-author who launched his online course on problem-solving called Hobbs Problem Solving via FreshLearn.

“Within months, I positioned my training program in front of my target customers, who quickly realized the value and convenience of my training and ease of delivery.”, Tim adds.

Just like Tim, you can also make the most of the latest technology to successfully begin your online teaching career.

7. Zero interference from supervisors

If you don’t like working under a boss, teaching online could be the perfect job for you!

No boss to answer to means no restrictions on when it's time for a break or well-deserved vacation.

At the same time, you don’t need to depend on a stipulated salary. You decide how much you charge for your classes, courses, and other digital products.

If you are clueless about the price you should charge for your classes, give our guide on how to price your online course a read. I bet you will click out of it with a much clearer picture, all set to be your own boss!

8. Make pedagogical experiments

Teaching online gives you the opportunity to break free from traditional educational boundaries.

You can offer a range of diverse lessons online and get creative about how you do it.

Think out-of-the-box with your teaching experiments.

Take virtual trips across the world through history museums, have cooking classes in French, or teach music with fun videos - let that creativity flow and make those individualized students' dreams come true.

This way, you'll have a chance to grow with each student when teaching one-on-one or small groups too; creating bespoke curriculums tailored exactly to their needs and goals.

And, the saying goes, “To teach is to learn twice.”

So go ahead – spark imaginations across continents whilst learning something new yourself!

Common concerns of every tutor about online teaching

TEaching Online
Online Teaching

So, you already have ample reasons why you should start teaching online.

Now, what could possibly hold you back?

Fortunately, I know a few after speaking with 500+ creators

But, there’s always a way to work around those concerns. Let’s solve them together.

1. Is it possible to teach everything without a traditional blackboard?

Digital learning has revolutionized many classic educational subjects, like English and Math.

Looking beyond these traditional subjects, it's even possible to master unconventional topics like Music or Graphic Design.

FreshLearn creators from a variety of fields have proved the versatility of the online method of teaching.

Even though the orthodox belief goes that some disciplines, like healthcare, need a more hands-on approach to learning, Dr. Rebecca Beck has proved otherwise by launching her courses on clinical and neuro-rehabilitation settings via FreshLearn.

Online Teaching Business

Although an in-person teaching method would help, there isn't any strict barricade stopping you from spreading the knowledge online as well.

2. How do I cope with different time zones?

Teaching across time zones doesn't have to be a challenge!

With the right digital tools, tutors can easily stay in touch with students scattered around the world.

A great way to get started is by downloading a trusty old World Clock onto your computer - that way you'll always know what local times everyone's on and never miss an online lesson again!

You can also record your live classes to deliver them to students from time zones widely different from yours.

Another great way to combat the difference in time zones is implementing collaborative learning by grouping students from the same time zones and holding online discussions.

Additionally, consider implementing more asynchronous learning with reduced synchronous timing.

Give them assignments, quizzes, and other activities to assess their learnings, and let them turn those in within a deadline that extends beyond the time for which you are taking the class.

3. What is the effect of this teaching model on a student’s psyche?

The most important concern that may be bothering you is the impact of online learning on students.

And you are right. Gauging students’ psychological behavior is extremely important to be a successful tutor

Well, according to limited research conducted so far, student perceptions of their remote instructors could struggle if communication is ineffective - making them feel like they don’t even have “real people” teaching them!

Therefore, it’s extremely important to be interactive, and be present for your students as and when they need you (more on that below).

Besides, having some other necessary skills will help you create the right impact on your students and overcome the barrier of teaching through screens.

What skills do you need to master the art of online teaching?

master the art of online teaching
Online Teaching

So, I said that you don’t necessarily need a degree to become an online teacher.

But, there are some other things you can’t miss out on when planning to teach online.

1. Subject matter knowledge

Knowledge is power, and when it comes to teaching, your familiarity with the material gives you superpower levels of confidence!

Your expertise not only helps make sure that everyone learns their lessons effectively; but also allows for an element of creativity in customizing techniques - so every student can nail those fundamentals.

2. Patience

If becoming an online tutor is your calling, patience is part of the job description.

Your students learn at different paces, so take heart in knowing that repeating topics patiently is essential for their success.

It's all just a matter of holding their hand while they take a step-by-step approach.

3. Time-management

Teaching can certainly be hectic, with all the presentations and tests vying for your attention.

But don't fret!

Make a weekly schedule that's organized according to priorities so you know what needs doing when (and by whom).

Then stick to it like gorilla glue - start on time, end on time – no excuses or delays allowed!

Need an added bonus? Grade those assessments ASAP

Your students will thank you - for not making them wait longer than necessary.

4. Availability

As an online tutor, your job is to be ready when students seek guidance.

You may not be able to give them the same support as a physical class offers, but you can make sure they have easy ways to get in touch with you - like emails and calls!

Timely responses provide quick solutions for those seeking personalized assistance - so don’t forget that part of the deal!

5. Technical expertise

Being an online tutor requires more than just great academic knowledge - it's knowing the virtual ropes!

Take heed and develop proficiency in these 4 key areas:

  1. know your netiquette
  2. embrace troubleshooting tech issues like a champ
  3. get comfortable with tech equipment
  4. source useful resources for learners when needed

Oh, and, don't forget to plan those lesson plans flawlessly!

6. Interaction

As a teacher, you are on the front line of education.

So, you have to make the effort to answer questions and offer directions guiding students on a daily basis.

Now that you have a fair idea of the how's and why’s of teaching online, why wait?

More than 11,000+ tutors use Freshlearn to teach, engage and earn online by teaching online.

Let us help you make learning more accessible, engaging, and convenient than ever before. Join FreshLearn now on this exciting journey into the world of virtual education!

It's time to get ahead of the curve and start teaching online today!

Get started for free now!

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  1. Teach Online 101: Everything you need to know
  2. Benefits of Learning Online
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Hosted by

Rahul Mehta

Rahul Mehta

Empowering creators worldwide to create,market and sell "anything they know" :)