Top 4 Side Hustles to Quit Your 9-5 and Reach Financial Freedom
There is nothing wrong with doing a job. But then, don't you think being utterly dependent on a job is also not a great thing? I am sure we all have faced job insecurity or pressure about work environment etc., practically at least once in our careers.
There is nothing wrong with doing a job. But then, don't you think being utterly dependent on a job is also not a great thing? I am sure we all have faced job insecurity or pressure about work environment etc., practically at least once in our careers.
We have seen many great companies filing bankruptcy, and the reason can be anything, but then your job is at risk, right !!
Let's say you met with an accident and can't go to the office for six months or a year; then your company will not wait for you to join back right !!
Let's accept it, how much ever you love your company, the reality is, it just takes a LinkedIn job posting to replace you or anyone in an organization.
So when that is the reality, why not start building your side hustles by doing what you love?
If you do well, your side hustles can grow big that you can indeed replace it with your 9-5 job, and you can also retire early from your job and be financially stable :)
One golden rule you should follow in building your side hustles is to generate money even when you sleep !! Attaining Financial Freedom and doing what you love should be your ultimate goal.
Top 4 Side Hustles Ideas to Replace Your 9-5 Job
1. Teach your 9-5 skills
Doesn't it sound obvious? You are putting in endless hours to harness your knowledge and do great at your 9-5 job. So why not start teaching the same to the outside world?
Let's say you are a great recruiter, then start teaching how to recruit the best talent.
If you are a great designer, then start teaching how to design stuff in no time with the right toolsets.
So whatever you are doing in your 9-5 job, it can indeed be taught online!!
The best way to teach online is to build your courses and charge some money !!
You indeed don't have to learn coding to create courses and sell online.
FreshLearn is a great platform to start building your online courses, and it's free, to begin with.
2. Write on Medium dot com:
If you feel that building a course might take little time, but you are excited to start your creator journey, you should start writing down your thoughts, pieces of advice, or anything you wish to as a blog.
Create an account on medium.com and start putting your knowledge as blogs. On Medium.com, you don't have to set up anything on your servers, etc. So you create your account and start.
Blogs are undoubtedly an excellent way to attract your target audience and hone your writing skills by penning down your knowledge into blogs.
Medium is a free platform, and it's effortless to start with as well.
3. Start a newsletter
You can now even turn your blogs into a newsletter. A newsletter is a way to reach out to your subscribers through email.
Newsletters have become very popular now because your readers can subscribe to your blogs, i.e., you now know them by name and email address :)
It is always better to have hundreds of subscribers than to have thousands of anonymous readers.
Once you know your readers, you can build more personalized content for your audience and get direct feedback.
Platforms like FreshLearn and substack can help you build paid newsletters as well in just a few clicks :)
4. Teach your 9-5 skills
You might be thinking why are we repeating this point? This is repeated because the potential of these side hustles replacing your 9-5 job and making you financially independent is very high.
If it's done well, you can even retire early.
Time to build your online course using platforms like FreshLearn
Don't be afraid to charge money for what you do. You have enormous untapped value. The internet can help you monetize your knowledge. This decade is the best time for creators.
Time to start building your side hustles today and move towards generating wealth for yourself and your family.