Effective Customer Education

Elevate Your Brand - The Ultimate Guide to Effective Customer Education

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Some of the greatest brands we know have raving fans, while others struggle to retain customers! Are they lucky? No, they invest in customer education!

According to a Forrester survey, 90% of organizations observed a favorable return on investment (ROI) in customer education.

HubSpot's education program substantially impacted customer return on investment (ROI) by achieving a 215% increase in site traffic, a 310% increase in inbound leads, and a 73% increase in closed deals over one year.

As your product upgrades and offers new features, your clients will need more clarity on its usage and potential.

So, to help you communicate your products’ needs and potential to your target audience, we have compiled an ultimate guide on customer education. Here, you will learn

  • Why is customer education important?
  • How to develop a customer education program
  • How to increase customer satisfaction through customer training programs
  • Benefits of customer education and
  • Best practices for customer education

Let’s get started with a customer education strategy!

What is Customer Education?

Customer Education is all about helping your customers (existing and potential ones) do better every day at their work.

Example: If you are selling CRM software, then you should educate the salespeople in every possible way so that they can achieve their goals faster - i.e. crushing their numbers week on week. All your courses, webinars, etc should be geared toward making sales guys win.

This educational effort supports product adoption and overall customer success. It's designed for prospective and current customers, partners, and employees who interact with customers.

Why Customer Education Matters

Customer Education is the new GTM

Customer education is beneficial for your business because it helps build customer loyalty. With a loyal customer base, you can stand out from your competitors.

Customer Education

Customers must receive education in order to empower present clients and draw in new ones. Here are the main reasons why customer education matters:

  • Professional efficacy: Education enhances customers' ability to utilize products more efficiently, thereby increasing their workplace productivity and proficiency in problem-solving. It can also transform individuals into internal advocates who strongly support and promote your products.
  • Attracting prospects: Through educational resources, potential customers can gain firsthand experience of the value offered by your products, thereby enhancing the probability of their conversion.
  • Improved conversion rates: Prospects with a higher level of knowledge are more likely to have confidence in their decision-making and, therefore, are more likely to convert. Educational content mitigates purchase hesitations by showcasing the product's value and facilitating customers' decision-making processes.

Let’s break down the further returns you get when you invest in an effective customer education program.

  • Your customer satisfaction scores go up
  • You will have fewer support tickets raised
  • You will see a better product adoption
  • You can generate more leads
  • Your product or service renewal rates become high

One study by Eureka found that just 31.5% of customer attrition is due to poor product and service performance. The other 68.5% are attributable to overselling, poor relationship development, customer service, and onboarding.

When you educate customers, they will need less assistance from your customer support team. They'll get more out of it since they'll pick up useful tricks and best practices. As a result, you reduce support costs and increase your revenue.

Additionally, customer education programs help in the following ways

  • Clients increase their chances of expansion or renewal and lower their chances of downsizing or churn.
  • It speeds up expansion through the customer lifecycle.
  • Self-service decreases client inquiries.
  • User behavior evolves, and value barriers decrease.

Who benefits from a strong customer education program?

Customer education programs create a foundation for a deeper understanding of products or services across various industries.

1. SaaS Products:

For SaaS companies, customer education starts even before a purchase is made. By offering demos, free trials, and educational content about the software’s capabilities and potential integrations, potential customers can see the product's value firsthand. It helps reduce perceived risk and increase potential customers' confidence in purchasing.

Once customers are on board, structured training programs accelerate their time to value, which is crucial for SaaS products where early adoption is predictive of long-term customer retention.

2. Services & Consulting Businesses

In the services and consulting sectors, customer education is critical in pre-sales. Through seminars, workshops, and detailed case studies, potential clients gain insights into the provider’s expertise and the tangible benefits they can expect. It helps build trust and authority to facilitate a prospective client's decision-making process.

This is especially important for existing clients whose services require them to adapt their business processes or integrate new practices to reap benefits.

3. Manufacturers

Manufacturers can use customer education to help potential and current customers understand the often complex details of setting up, using, and maintaining their products. For example, manufacturers might use virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) platforms to provide virtual demos or detailed setup instructions to prospective customers, helping them visualize how a product works before purchase.

Post-purchase, this turns into detailed training modules for safe operation and maintenance, ensuring customers use the products safely and effectively, which can reduce the risk of accidents and increase customer satisfaction.

Various customer education program types

The forms of customer education programs are diverse and must cater to different learning preferences and stages of the customer journey. They include:

  • On-demand courses: These customer education programs allow learners to access training anytime and anywhere. This suits their schedules and learning speeds, enhancing user efficiency.
  • Webinars and virtual instructor-led training (V-ILT): These live, interactive sessions provide real-time education and can address specific customer questions and needs.
  • Tutorials and in-product walkthroughs: These are often built directly into the product, guiding users through features and functionalities step-by-step.
  • Knowledge bases and FAQs: These are comprehensive resources where customers can conveniently seek answers to common questions and issues. Look at how Shopify presents all its major customer concerns in a single place.
Creator Academy
  • Certifications: These formal training programs validate the user's expertise in a product, which is often necessary for professional users who must demonstrate a high competency level.

Key Components of an Effective Customer Education Program

Here are some key components of customer education to ensure that your customers will like and use it.

1. Comprehensive content coverage: Your customer education program must cover all aspects of your product or service. It must provide detailed information on features, troubleshooting, advanced tips, and updates.

The content should cater to both new and existing customers, ensuring everyone can find valuable information at their respective industry-specific knowledge levels.

2. Interactive delivery methods: The educational material you provide should be interactive to keep customers engaged. This could include interactive simulations, quizzes, and real-world scenarios that help reinforce learning.

Not all learners are the same; some learn visually, while others prefer auditory methods. Multimedia, such as videos and infographics, can help maintain high engagement levels.

3. Ease of use: Your customer base doesn’t have to be tech-savvy to access training. This means you must make the material accessible across multiple platforms, like mobile apps, websites, and even offline formats, to ensure customers learn in the environment that suits them best.

Additionally, the learning platforms' user interfaces should be intuitive and straightforward, removing any barriers to accessing the information.

Challenges in customer education

A strong customer education program has a few challenges.

  • Diverse learning needs: Customers have varied learning preferences and capacities, necessitating flexible and adaptable educational approaches to cater to a wide audience.
  • Inconsistent content delivery: Failing to maintain a consistent delivery and quality of educational content can lead to customer confusion and disengagement.
  • Engagement issues: Lack of interactive and engaging content can reduce effectiveness, as customers may not fully absorb the material.
  • Outdated materials: Regular updates are crucial; outdated content can mislead customers and detract from the perceived value of educational programs.
  • Accessibility barriers: It’s important to ensure educational materials are accessible to all customers, including those with disabilities.

To tackle this, your customer education program must be adaptable and inclusive, accommodating various learning styles and accessibility requirements. You can offer varied educational formats and channels.

By integrating videos, interactive tutorials, and written guides, you help cater to different learning styles. Moreover, when you use data to understand where customers struggle, you can create targeted educational resources that address specific pain points.

We’ll be discussing such essential best practices for customer education here. So, keep reading.

Benefits of Customer Education Program

A well-crafted customer education program brings a ton of perks for everyone involved. For your company, it means quicker onboarding and higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. It's a win-win because happy customers stick around and spread the word!

Let’s now look at the benefits of customer education programs.

1. Increased customer satisfaction

When customers are well-informed about a product, they use it more effectively. They are less likely to encounter issues they can't solve independently, so they have fewer frustrations. Instead of struggling and contacting customer support, they can access on-demand resources that provide quick and engaging solutions.

Imagine buying new software; the difference between needing to call support for every query and having a handy guide or tutorial at your fingertips can hugely impact customer experience. It’s an integral part of a positive user experience, adding to overall satisfaction.

Moreover, statistics underscore the value of customer education in boosting satisfaction levels. For example, a study by Intellum-Forrester revealed an 11.6% increase in customer satisfaction resulting from educational initiatives.

Why? Knowledgeable customers will likely experience fewer issues and greater contentment with the product and the brand.

2. Lower support costs

Investing in customer education can significantly boost a company's revenue through reduced support costs. Successful organizations report up to 40 times higher revenue growth and 36 times greater reductions in support expenses than less successful ones.

Well-trained customers become proficient users, often finding solutions independently and minimizing their reliance on customer success managers. When you help customers develop this self-sufficiency, it not only leads to faster customer onboarding but also accelerates their time to value, enhancing overall satisfaction.

By integrating self-service resources like video tutorials, interactive guides, and searchable knowledge bases into the training program, businesses empower customers to help themselves.

This way, you improve customer satisfaction by providing immediate assistance. So, customer education is a wise investment for sustainable business and customer growth.

3. Enhanced customer loyalty and advocacy

Customers who truly understand your products through well-designed learning programs are likely to keep coming back and even recommend your offerings to others. This customer journey begins with better product adoption, often translating into repeat purchases and referrals.

As these customers share their positive experiences through reviews, case studies, or directly referring friends, they become powerful advocates for your brand. It extends the reach of your products and starts a virtuous customer lifecycle: it attracts new customers, thereby reducing the need for costly marketing efforts.

Essentially, your educated customers drive your growth, leveraging their satisfaction to generate organic, cost-effective technical leads. So, you have a sustainable loop of loyalty and advocacy, enhancing overall customer retention and decreasing acquisition costs.

How to Develop a Customer Education Program?

Intellum conducted a recent survey on customer education, and the team realized that the most challenging aspect of the program was that customers quit training midway.

Customer Education Program

How will you address this challenge as a business? You must devise a program design that addresses the audience's concerns and interests, not just your products or services. Our guide to developing a successful customer education program will help you understand this statement better.

1. Assessing customer needs

Before you plan your course content, you must make sure you’re about to deliver what your customers actually need. What is your customer demographic like? To understand this, you need to conduct detailed research to gather direct customer feedback through surveys, interviews, and customer support team data analysis.

Observing and mapping customer interactions with your products can also reveal explicit and latent needs. Let’s see how to make sure your program is relevant and targeted.

  • Perform a training needs analysis: You must define the gap between your customers' current product knowledge and the skills required. A customer training needs analysis helps craft a customer education strategy that addresses specific competencies and business goals.
  • Continuous feedback and improvement: Your customer education program must be adjusted and refined continuously based on customer lifecycle and performance metrics. Some may feel your webinars are lengthy and repetitive, while others may have different pain points. You must address these by regularly getting their feedback.

Look at how FreshLearn gives you access to multiple course metrics and feedback to develop or improve your customer education program. Here, you can find out how your customers consume your content, their progress, and their feedback to help you design your modules accordingly.

multiple course metrics
  • Segmentation and personalization: Not all users are the same. Segment them based on their behaviors, needs, and feedback. This way, you can personalize the educational content to suit different user personas better.

2. Creating engaging content

If you’re just presenting a wall of words, your audience will not stick to the end.

Here are a few ways you can craft compelling course content.

  • Develop clear and concise materials: Your educational materials must be easy to understand. Cut off unnecessary complexity. Set expectations at the outset of each content piece by clearly stating the learning objectives.
  • Utilize various formats: To address different learning preferences, incorporate a mix of content formats. Videos are particularly effective, retaining 95% of a message compared to 10% when reading text. Webinars, interactive simulations, and infographics are crucial in maintaining engagement.
  • Microlearning: This approach breaks down complex topics into smaller, manageable parts. It facilitates learning and lets students move through the topic at their own speed. Your busy workers will love your microlearning modules, as they may not have large blocks of time to dedicate to customer training.
  • Interactivity and gamification: A little fun can go a long way. You can bring in more engagement by incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, and gamified experiences. These elements make learning fun and boost information retention and motivation.

You can use FreshLearn to employ gamification to make users watch your customer education content. You can reward points, offer badges, and show progress bars in real time with FreshLearn’s gamification features.

Interactive and gamification

3. Choosing the right delivery platforms

When you choose the best delivery platform for your customer education content, it’s important to prioritize your business goals and customer satisfaction equally. If you do not invest in the right learning management system, even if your training content is of high quality, there's no point.

We’ll tell you how to approach this.

  • Choosing your Learning Management System LMS: You need business systems with robust assessment engines, customizable learning paths, and advanced analytics capabilities to track learner progress and engagement. It's also important to consider the system's scalability, as your customer base and in-person training needs will grow over time.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: Statcounter data says mobile devices bring about 51.52% of traffic. For learners to access content at any time and from any location, the platform they choose should facilitate distribution across many devices.

If you take FreshLearn, for example, the platform allows your customers to access customer education content on mobile phones and other devices.

FreshLearn Mobile Apps
  • Customization and integration: Your LMS should accommodate a high degree of customization to align with your brand and provide a seamless user experience. It should also integrate well with other product management tools in your tech stack, such as CRM systems and content management platforms, to streamline workflows and data synchronization.

4. Measuring success and making improvements

Now, you know you need top-notch educational content and a seamless learning platform to launch your own customer education program. But how can you ensure your strategy works without solid proof of engagement? Here are a few metrics to help you understand your course engagement.

  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and Net Promoter Score (NPS) gauge customer satisfaction and the likelihood of recommending your service to others. With these indicators, you can track the direct impact of your education efforts on customer perceptions.
  • Course Completion Rates provide insights into how engaging and effective your training content is. High completion rates often indicate that the material is relevant and well-received by your audience.
  • Product Adoption Rates show how well customers are using your product post-training. If you’re running a software and technology company, you need these because product usage is tied directly to customer success.
  • Customer Churn Rate measures how many customers stop using your service over time. Reducing churn signals a successful customer education program, suggesting higher customer retention due to better understanding and satisfaction.

Once you’ve established these metrics, you can start tracking them. You must review, revise, and update content regularly with all the insights you derive from these metrics.

Protip: Use FreshLearn’s analytics to track customer training progress and establish an improvement plan. The platform helps you monitor how your customers interact with the content in real time.

Best Practices for Customer Education

Now, what can you do more to sustain the number of existing customers and bring in more?

Let’s explore the answers through the following time-tested best practices for customer education.

1. Personalization and customization

Zendesk's 2023 User Experience Trends Report reveals that 72% of corporate executives are utilizing customization plans wildly at odds with what customers want.

Understanding your clients through data is the first step toward successful customization. You may then tailor the offers, messages, and information customers see across different touchpoints. Consider the following practices for effective personalization.

  • Start by crafting detailed buyer personas that reflect your diverse customer base. This involves understanding their needs, pain points, and customer expectations.
  • Develop personalized learning paths that cater to each user's individual learning pace and style. You can offer modular courses that users can select based on their interests and prior knowledge level.
  • Employ tools like AI and machine learning for content recommendations. These technologies can analyze user behavior in real time and suggest relevant content that matches their current needs or actions.

2. Engagement and interactivity

Customer loyalty is a byproduct of great engagement strategies in your customer training program. You can retain your customers by implementing engaging and interactive features to your course content. Here are a few tips to make your content engaging.

  • Add a checklist feature to your content. It can help learners feel accomplished when every module is over and also gives them an idea of what is in store.
  • Incorporate a walkthrough video to educate customers on product usage. Make sure this is interactive by adding questions or polls in between.
  • Build a community around your educational content that encourages customers to interact with each other, share experiences, and provide peer support. Online communities, social media groups, and boards are excellent options to do this.
  • Quizzes, polls, and simulations can significantly enhance the learning experience for customers. For instance, quizzes can reinforce key concepts and help assess customer understanding, while polls can gather instant feedback on customer preferences and needs.

Here’s an example of how FreshLearn allows you to incorporate quizzes as a part of course assessment. You can use this feature to see how well your customers understand the process.

Engagement and interactivity

3. Consistency and continuity

When you regularly update your content, your customers always have access to the most current and relevant information. You can implement this through regular reviews, incorporating customer feedback, and monitoring industry trends.

However, the challenge is maintaining a unified brand voice and tone in your content. Follow these simple steps to begin.

  • Create an all-inclusive style guide that specifies the desired language, approach, and design for all instructional materials. To ensure uniformity, you must share this guide with everyone involved in content creation.
  • Use standardized templates for different types of content, such as tutorials, webinars, and knowledge-base articles. Keeping everything uniform in style makes it far simpler for your clients to browse and comprehend the contents.
  • Regularly train your content creators on the established guidelines and best practices. This way, you can ensure all materials meet the same high standards.
  • Brand all your educational materials consistently, using the same logos, color schemes, and fonts. Consistent branding reinforces your company's identity and helps build customer trust.

Here, you can use FreshLearn to maintain your brand tone in all your course materials.

Custom Branding

4. Promotion and communication

Your customer education strategy needs marketing efforts to attract more customers and eventually turn them into leads.

Let’s discuss effective ways to promote your brand and communicate your intent to the audience.

  • Use social media sites to provide updates and instructional content. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter allow for interactive engagement, where customers can comment, ask questions, and share content with their networks.
  • If you have an app, use in-app notifications to alert users about new educational materials. Your customers can receive updates in real-time, directly within the app environment, where they are most likely to engage with the content.
  • Create a central hub on your website where all educational resources are organized and easily accessible. This hub should include categories, search functionality, and filters to help users find the needed content quickly.
  • You can let your subscribers know about new learning tools like tutorials, workshops, and more by using email marketing. Personalized emails that address different customer segments' interests can also be very effective.

FreshLearn lets you create and send personalized email campaigns. You don’t need HTML skills to develop emails that apply to all devices.

Email Campaigns

Wrapping Up

Now, you know how important customer education is to your business and even know how to implement the right customer education strategy independently. But let’s face it: your schedule may not allow you to dedicate much time to designing, reviewing, and implementing this outcome.

That’s exactly why you need the best customer education platform to help you get started. FreshLearn can be that platform for your business. With features like easy course creation, automated marketing tools, and comprehensive analytics, FreshLearn offers the best solution to streamline your customer education program.

FreshLearn allows you to customize your online courses with brand elements, creating a consistent and professional look. The platform's comprehensive statistics show how engaged and far along students are. This allows you to see how well your online courses are doing and make data-driven adjustments.

Over 15,000 creators trust FreshLearn to create, market, and sell online courses seamlessly. Try FreshLearn and build your customer education strategy today!

Top FAQs on Customer Education

1. What are the goals of customer education?

The primary goals of customer education are to enhance customer satisfaction, increase product adoption, and reduce support costs. By educating customers, businesses can help them fully understand and utilize product features, which leads to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

2. What is the meaning of customer learning?

Customer learning refers to acquiring knowledge and skills related to a product or service. The objective is to enable new customers to use products effectively, solve their problems independently, and maximize the value they derive from them.

3. What is the importance of customer education?

Customer education leads to customer satisfaction and loyalty, reduces churn, and boosts product adoption. When consumers have greater product knowledge, they are more inclined to buy it again and tell their friends how great it is. Additionally, customer education helps reduce the number of support inquiries by empowering customers to resolve common issues on their own.

4. What is an example of a consumer education?

An example of consumer education is a company offering a series of video tutorials and interactive webinars to help customers understand how to use their software. It allows customers to become proficient with the software and builds a community of informed users who can support each other.

Online course Creation Platform

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Hosted by

Aishwarya Lakshmi