What is Email Marketing

What is Email Marketing and How to Do It Right

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Imagine getting a return of $36 for every $1 you invest. That’s the ROI you can expect to receive from email marketing!

Email marketing, simply put, is the practice of sending targeted emails to a group of subscribers. You can promote products, services, or valuable information to your followers with such emails. Look at it as an opportunity to improve customer engagement and drive sales.

What makes email marketing particularly effective is its ability to reach customers directly and personally, something that’s not as easily achieved through other marketing channels.

The number of email users daily is projected to be 4.6 billion by 2025. Would you miss that chance to reach out to such a wide audience? We hope not. But if you’re a creator wondering how to get started with email marketing, we will show you how.
Stay with us to learn what is email marketing and how to do it right!

Why Email Marketing Matters

Businesses use email marketing to connect with their target group and build relationships with them. Email is the most popular way customers receive brand information; 99% of them check it daily. These figures are too important for marketers to ignore. Thus, an effective email marketing strategy is crucial.

Email Marketing Matters

There may be fads in marketing, but email still rules when it comes to reaching today's consumers. Here are a few benefits of email marketing.

  • High ROI and sales: With targeted marketing, businesses have seen a revenue boost of up to 760%, and 59% of marketers believe email is their top source of return on investment. A successful email marketing campaign helps you highlight products or services, persuade users to buy after leaving their shopping carts or offer exclusive deals.
  • Control over content: Social media platforms often own your following list and your content. That's why marketers need email lists. You are in control of this contact list and may communicate with its members. On top of that, you will have full ownership of all the content you create and send.
  • Direct marketing: Unlike social media platforms, where algorithms dictate reach and visibility, email marketing puts you directly in subscribers' inboxes, with your message on your schedule. It can significantly enhance your messages’ relevance. This will lead to improved open and click-through rates.

Types of Email Marketing Campaigns

With multiple options available today, you can find it difficult to choose an effective email marketing strategy that can help your company succeed. But don't worry. Based on the many kinds of email marketing campaigns, we have handpicked the most important ones that you might find useful.

1. Welcome Emails

The goal of a welcome email is to extend a cordial greeting, lay the groundwork for long-term customer relationship management, and establish a standard for all subsequent interactions.

When someone signs up for your service, makes a purchase, or subscribes to an email list, they will feel valued upon receiving a welcome email.

Why Use Welcome Emails?

Welcome emails are effective because they are timely and sent immediately after a user subscribes. They capitalize on the subscriber's initial interest, resulting in open rates as high as 91.43% and click-through rates that can surpass 26.9%.

This is definitely higher than other types of marketing emails. So, you have an excellent opportunity to make a positive first impression and boost early engagement.

Best Practices for Welcome Emails

  • Immediate delivery: You must send emails promptly after a subscription because they perform best when the subscriber’s interest is at its peak. Over 74% of consumers like to receive a welcome email the moment they subscribe.
  • Personalization and content relevance: When you add a personal touch, such as adding the subscriber’s name or tailoring content based on their interests, it can significantly improve your email’s effectiveness. Personalized subject line alone can increase open rates by up to 26%.
  • Clear and engaging content: Your welcome emails should introduce your brand and outline the kind of content and frequency subscribers can expect. When you include high-quality content such as tutorials, tips, or insider information, it can increase the perceived value of your emails.
  • Strong call-to-action (CTA): It’s very important to encourage new subscribers to take action, such as visiting your site, checking out a sale, or following your social media channels. Effective CTAs can guide subscribers on how to engage further with your brand.
  • Optimization for all devices: A large portion of people open emails on mobile devices. So, it's important to ensure your emails are mobile-friendly.

Let’s look at some examples

Here is a popular example from BBC’s newsletter welcome email. You will see that they are not just thanking their subscribers but also informing them about what to expect in the upcoming newsletters.

Welcome Emails

Another great example is from Kate Spade. Look at how they thoughtfully present “thank you” in bold to make the subscribers feel valued for their presence.

They also offer a 15% discount on the next purchase. So, this email comes out with a heartfelt greeting and also provides value.

Welcome Email example

2. Promotional Emails

Promotional emails usually appear in commercial email campaigns that aim to inform prospective clients about your company's products or services.

It provides rewards or vouchers, access to special prices, or invites to events exclusive to subscribers. Emails with product offers, new releases, and seasonal discounts are a few examples.

The ultimate objective is to increase conversions by guiding prospective customers along the sales funnel.

Why use promotional emails?

One of the biggest draws of promotional emails is their impressive return on investment (ROI). Additionally, promotional emails can help maintain customer interest and encourage repeat purchases by keeping your brand top-of-mind.

They let businesses communicate directly with their customer base, promoting new products, special offers, and other incentives that encourage immediate purchasing behavior.

Best Practices for Promotional Emails

  • Compelling subject lines: Begin by crafting an enticing subject line. Nearly 50% of email recipients decide whether to open an email based on the subject line alone. A clear, concise subject line communicating the core message or offer can improve your open rates.
  • Clear and engaging content: The body of your promotional email should be straightforward and engaging. You can use high-quality images, concise text, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs) that guide the recipient toward purchasing or learning more about an offer. When you use a conversational tone, you craft more relatable and engaging content for readers.
  • Urgency: When you create a sense of urgency or exclusivity, you can persuade recipients to act quickly. Techniques like limited-time offers or exclusive deals for email subscribers can be very effective. Highlight these offers in your emails
  • Preheader text: Use it effectively, as it offers additional space to entice the reader to open the email. It should complement the subject line and provide extra incentives or information that encourages the recipient to engage with the email content.

Let’s look at some examples

Let’s start with a WordPress email about its flash sale. This mail has two highlights: The CTA is highlighted boldly for easy spotting. The next one is the straightforward presentation—no long paragraphs, no fluff—just bullets.

Promotional Email Templates

We’re now looking at Starbucks’ new product email. Note how they bring the new flavored tea’s image to the readers’ eyes. And we cannot miss the time-sensitive rewards they are offering. Also, the placement of dual CTAs for engagements at different points is another highlight.

Example Promotional email

3. Newsletter Emails

Newsletters sent via email are permission-based, and your brand's email marketing category plays a major role in this regard. Sending emails to individuals who haven't given their consent should be against your brand's policies.

A newsletter differs from other promotional emails in that it is a continuous content stream. Newsletters aren't limited to news only. They may include various information, such as podcasts, blog posts, and product updates.

The key to a successful newsletter is finding a way to promote your business while still giving value to your readers

Why use newsletter email marketing?

On average, newsletter emails have an open rate of 21.33%, so you can imagine their ability to capture the audience's attention. Newsletters are instrumental for B2B companies, with 77% of such businesses using them to distribute content effectively.

Publishers like Greentech Media have noted that newsletter readers spend 80% more time on their websites than other visitors, which can lead to increased revenue generation.

Also, visitors you have via newsletters are more likely to convert into paying subscribers or customers than from other sources, like social media.

Best Practices for Newsletter Emails

To maximize the effectiveness of your newsletter emails, consider the following tips:

  • Content quality and relevance: Ensure the content is valuable to your subscribers. You can do this by providing them with insights, news, or offers relevant to their interests. This way, you can build a loyal subscriber base that looks forward to your emails.
  • Personalization: We cannot stress this enough! Tailoring content to meet subscribers' specific interests or past behavior can greatly enhance engagement rates. You must start by segmenting your email list and customizing the newsletters to meet the distinct preferences of each segment.
  • Design and layout: Your newsletter's visual appeal is crucial to its effectiveness. So, you must maintain a clean, engaging, and mobile-friendly layout that encourages readers to interact with the content.
  • Regular testing and optimization: You must continuously test different aspects of your newsletter, such as subject lines, content formats, and sending times, to find what works best with your audience. When you do this, you refine your strategy and improve your email campaigns' overall performance.

Let’s look at some examples

You can catch up on all the best content from the previous week with Retail Dive DTC's Weekender edition email. There are numerous value-driven articles they want their subscribers to read.

Also, note their links to other resources and upcoming events, all in one place.

Newsletter Emails

In the example below, Waves provides a thorough product overview and how-to guide that supports brand awareness and addresses inquiries regarding the highlighted product. Newsletters are an excellent way to demonstrate your business's expertise in the subject matter. It's unnecessary to reserve your finest content for your podcasts, videos, and blogs.

Newsletter Email templates

4. Lead Nurturing Emails

Lead nurturing emails are messages sent to prospective customers in their journey through the sales cycle. The goal of these emails is to get them to buy.

Effective lead nurturing emails do three things: they engage the lead, attract them, and urge them to keep connecting with your organization. Research shows that email is the lead nurturing method preferred by most marketers (45.7%). It is adaptable, convenient, mobile-friendly, and tailored to your subscribers' needs. Email also has a very high return on investment (ROI), which is a plus.

Why use lead nurturing emails?

Engaging leads through regular and relevant content can significantly increase the likelihood of conversion. Studies show that targeted and structured lead nurturing emails result in up to 50% more sales at a 33% lower cost.

Businesses that excel in lead nurturing generate leads due to the systematic approach of educating and engaging their potential customers. Moreover, nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads.

Best Practices for Lead Nurturing Emails

When you implement best practices in lead nurturing emails, your business can improve its email marketing efforts and become more effective in converting leads into loyal customers.

  • Valuable content: Provide educational and useful content at each stage of the buyer's journey. Whether it's articles, ebooks, webinars, or case studies, the content should address common questions or concerns related to your industry and lead buyers closer to a decision.
  • Consistent follow-up: Develop a consistent emailing schedule to keep brand awareness at the top of your leads' minds without overwhelming them. The cadence should match the typical buying cycle length, ensuring that each message is timely and relevant.
  • Use of automation tools: Automate the lead nurturing process to deliver emails efficiently at critical stages of the buyer's journey. Email marketing automation ensures timely follow-up, which is crucial for maintaining lead interest and engagement.
  • Multichannel integration: Emails are effective. However, integrating other channels like social media, SMS, or direct calls can further enhance the nurturing strategy. This approach ensures that leads receive consistent messaging across all platforms they interact with.
  • Measurement and optimization: You must continuously measure the performance of your lead nurturing campaigns using KPIs such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and email open rates. Use these insights to refine your strategies and improve overall effectiveness.

Let’s look at some examples

What we like about Thumbtack’s email marketing strategy is that while it demonstrates how its service can add value, it also reminds you of a few other services you might need immediately. And the timing! They sent this to their subscriber on a huge party day in the U.S.

Lead Nurturing Emails

A great example of lead nurturing is the email Thousand Fell sent to customers who left their carts without completing their purchases. In addition to giving a 20% discount, the email highlights other products the customer could have overlooked.

To make their goods even more valuable, they also talk about their risk-free 30-day return policy and their commitment to sustainability.

Lead Nurturing Email Templates

Key Steps for Effective Email Marketing

While it may be challenging, maintaining a devoted consumer base is doable by consistently delivering high-quality content. When done effectively, getting started with email marketing is one of the most effective methods of contacting your target audience.

But how do you do that effectively? Here’s a step-by-step guide to find out.

1. Build Your Email List

An email list consists of people who have agreed to receive emails from your company. It may contain contact groups interested in contacting you or learning more about your organization, such as clients, donors, prospective clients, vendors, and collaborators.

Your email list is one of the most important resources your marketing team has. Yes, it is something you can claim as your own. However, email is an opt-in medium, or it should be. Your email followers choose to receive your messages, which differs from traditional ads or paid posts on social media sites.

How to build an email list?

There isn't a single marketing tactic that works for all email list development situations. Since every sector and company deals with unique products and clients, the best strategies will also vary. The following are some of our favorite, time-tested strategies for expanding your email list.

  • Use pop-ups and personalized CTAs: Pop-up forms that activate based on user behavior, such as time spent on the site or intent to exit, are a great place to start. You can improve conversion rates by personalizing these calls-to-action (CTAs) according to the content the user is engaging with.

Here is an example of a pop-up from HubSpot. Note how they focus on demonstrating how the sign-up can improve your role as a better marketer.

Build Email list
  • Offer value through lead magnets: To encourage users to sign up, you can offer high-value incentives like exclusive content, discount codes, or free tools. The lead magnet could be an ebook, a whitepaper, or a unique set of tips related to your industry. Remember, the lead magnet should be directly relevant to your target audience's interests or needs.

Rustic Cuff employs a lead magnet approach in its email list collection, offering subscribers a discount for signing up.

Lead Magnet
  • Leverage social proof and influencers: You can use testimonials and user reviews to build credibility and trust around your newsletter. When you collaborate with influencers with whom your audience resonates, it can also expand your reach and lend credibility to your brand, encouraging more sign-ups.
  • Utilize paid ads and social media promotions: When you run targeted ads on Facebook, Instagram, or Google, you can bring traffic to dedicated landing pages designed for email sign-ups. Social media contests that require email entry can also increase your list while engaging users.

Here’s how Kaleigh Moore uses Twitter to add more contacts to his list. She also offers a sneak peek into her newsletter to let potential subscribers know what they can expect.

social media promotions
  • Maintain list health and compliance: Regularly clean your email list to remove unengaged subscribers and ensure compliance with email marketing regulations like GDPR. This way, you maintain a high engagement rate and protect your sender's reputation​.
  • Employ effective tools and integrations: You can consider using email marketing tools that offer features for list management, email automation, and performance tracking, making it easier to manage and grow your list effectively.

2. Choose the Right Service Provider

Your email service provider (ESP) is an essential factor in receiving email marketing benefits. When selecting an ESP, consider your business's specific needs, including the size of your email list, your budget, and the particular features you need.

Key Features to Look For:

  • Automation and integration capabilities: An email service provider should offer robust automation tools and integrate seamlessly with other email marketing platforms, such as e-commerce or CRM software.
  • Ease of use: A user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality can make setting up email marketing campaigns straightforward.
  • Analytical tools: You need detailed analytics to measure your email campaign’s effectiveness and make data-driven decisions.
  • Managed email marketing services: Some email service providers offer complete campaign management, which is beneficial if you do not have marketing managers to run email marketing campaigns in-house​.
  • Support and customer service: Reliable customer support is essential, especially if you encounter technical issues. Look for providers that offer 24/7 support and have positive customer service reviews.
  • Cost-effectiveness: You must compare pricing plans among email service providers. Some offer free tiers, which are apt for small businesses or beginners, while others might charge based on the number of emails sent or the email list size.

The right email marketing service provider - for example

If you’re wondering how to find an email marketing platform with all the mentioned features, FreshLearn is the best place to start.

Email Marketing provider

FreshLearn is a platform designed for creators and small businesses to create, market, and sell online courses and coaching. It’s popular for its ease of use and the ability to manage all aspects of digital product creation and sales from a single platform.

Why FreshLearn?

Email Marketing feature
  • Marketing and sales tools: The platform includes built-in tools for email marketing, creating sales pages, and automating marketing tasks. These tools help creators effectively build, grow, and nurture their audience.
  • Customization and branding: FreshLearn offers extensive customization options. So users can align the platform with their brand identity, from the login screens to the sales landing pages.
  • Community building: Creators can engage their audience by building custom communities directly on the platform, building interaction and customer loyalty.
  • Mobile accessibility: The FreshLearn mobile app allows learners to access courses on the go. This serves two purposes: providing flexibility and enhancing user engagement.
  • Customer support: FreshLearn offers exceptional customer support. A dedicated team provides help through live chat, email, and scheduled calls to ensure users get the most out of the platform.
  • Automation and personalization: With FreshLearn, you can set up pre-built automation workflows that send the right emails at the right times based on user behavior and interactions.
  • Integrated marketing and sales tools: FreshLearn combines email marketing services with a full suite of marketing and sales tools. You can create landing pages, manage workshops, sell digital products, and track customer activity—all from a single platform.
Email Campaigns

3. Create a Calendar

Email marketing calendars are just schedules for sending messages to existing customers. However, most contemporary email marketing calendars include tasks, data, attachments, and message copies.

Implementing an email marketing calendar into your email marketing strategy allows for a

  • more accurate allocation of resources,
  • timely delivery of appropriate messages,
  • real-time tracking of  email marketing campaigns,

and more features, depending on the sophistication and size of your calendar.

Why Create an Email Marketing Calendar?

An email marketing calendar doesn’t have to be fancy. You can start with one as simple as this using an Excel sheet or a document. What is important is that you start today.

Email Marketing Calendar

The reasons why you must own an email marketing calendar are:

  • Predictability and consistency: An email marketing calendar helps you maintain a steady cadence, whether it's weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly emails. This predictability is vital for both your marketing team and your subscribers, ensuring they know what to expect and when.
  • Enhanced collaboration: A well-organized calendar is a collaborative tool for your team. It ensures that everyone is on board with upcoming email campaigns' goals, deadlines, and content. It facilitates better planning and execution across various departments​.
  • Effective time management: By scheduling your email marketing campaigns in advance, you don’t have to deal with last-minute rushes and ensure that all your marketing activities are well-timed and coordinated. This strategic planning helps in balancing workload and resources effectively.

4. Segment Your List

Email segmentation, often known as list segmentation, breaks an email list into distinct groups according to accepted norms. A more targeted and responsive email marketing strategy is to divide your audience into smaller subsets and target each one with a tailored message.

You can customize your emails to each group's needs instead of giving everyone the same message. This way, you can ensure your messages connect with your audience.

Why Segment Your Email List?

Emails tailored to specific audience segments tend to have higher open and click-through rates. Segmented email campaigns have an open rate of 14.31% higher than non-segmented campaigns.

By sending relevant content to smaller, targeted groups, you reduce the risk of your emails getting marked as spam. This improves your overall email deliverability and sender reputation.

Email segmentation is more likely to convert because it caters to the recipients’ specific needs and interests. Studies show that segmented campaigns help marketers with as much as a 760% increase in revenue.

How to Segment Your Email List?

Consider the following aspects to segment your emails.

  • Demographics: You can segment your list based on age, gender, location, and income. If you have businesses targeting specific consumer groups, this can be specifically helpful.

Look at this example: Disney segments its emails based on where pass holders live (Florida here) and the type of pass they hold (annual). After a visit, pass holders would receive time-limited discounts and special offers customized to their specific interests and locations.

Segment Your Email List
  • Customer Journey Stage: Tailor your content based on the subscriber's stage in the journey. New subscribers might receive welcome emails, while long-term subscribers get customer loyalty rewards or exclusive offers.
  • Geolocation: Use location data to send localized content or time your emails to coincide with the recipient's time zone. For example, promoting rain jackets in regions experiencing rainy seasons can drive higher relevance and sales.
  • Behavior: Track your subscribers' behaviors, such as past purchases, website interactions, and email engagement. For example, you can create a segment for customers who have abandoned carts and send them emails to encourage them to complete their purchases.

If a user has added an audiobook to their wish list, they will receive an email notification from Audible when the book is released. Here’s how it looks.

Email list

5. Craft Compelling Content

You need to know what email content is before you can begin developing your email marketing campaigns.

At each point in the customer lifecycle, whether you're communicating with an existing client or a potential new one, you should use compelling email content. Typically, there are three ways to do this:

  • Personalize the emails and send them yourself.
  • Use email marketing software that automates tasks.
  • Make use of a focused yet all-inclusive email builder.

Email subject lines can address a variety of subjects, such as brand awareness, new product launches, and similar subjects. So, make sure you use them wisely in your email marketing.

A good example is Hootsuite’s reengagement mail for customers who participated in their free trial but didn’t stay longer. Look at the choice of words—simple and direct. They also offer a compelling offer to retain loyal customers.

Craft Compelling Content

6. Automate Campaigns

Email marketing automation refers to automatically delivering timed, personalized emails to a specified list of people. However, it goes beyond just a procedure or an approach to email marketing. It is an opportunity for marketers to make the best use of one of the most cost-effective tactics.

According to a survey, 91% of companies using automation report that it helps them achieve their digital marketing objectives. Additionally, marketers with automation capabilities are 46% more likely to have an effective marketing strategy.

Email marketing is well-known for having the best return on investment. However, automation might increase it by eliminating repetitive, time-consuming tasks.

These days, you can automate newsletters using various email marketing tools and technology. You may enhance your email by adding different components and making it flawless with them.

How to automate emails?

  • Select an email automation tool that fits your needs. Look for features like easy integration, customizable workflows, and robust email marketing analytics.
  • Identify the key actions or behaviors triggering your automated emails. Set up workflows that define the sequence and timing of these emails.
  • Use data to segment your audience based on their behavior, preferences, and demographics. This way, each subscriber receives the most relevant content, improving the likelihood of engagement and conversion.
  • Continuously track the performance of your automated campaigns using email marketing metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

7. Monitor Email Marketing Performance

You need to constantly monitor the performance of your email marketing efforts to understand their efficacy and identify development opportunities. You must also monitor Key performance indicators (KPIs) to help you optimize engagement and conversions in your future campaigns.

Here are the most important email marketing metrics you can track the success of your email marketing.

a). Open Rate: This is the percentage of recipients who open your email. It indicates how well your subject line performs and whether your audience is interested in your content. According to industry benchmarks, a good open rate typically ranges from 20% to 30%​.

b). Click Through Rate (CTR): CTR measures the recipients’ percentage of clicking on one or more links in your email. This metric shows how engaging and relevant your email content is to your audience. A healthy CTR is generally between 2% and 5%​.

c). Bounce Rate: These key metrics track the email percentage that could not be delivered to the subscriber’s inbox. There are two types of bounces:

  • Hard Bounce: Indicates a permanent delivery failure, such as an invalid email address.
  • Soft Bounce: Indicates a temporary glitch, like a full inbox. Maintaining a bounce rate below 3% is considered good practice​.

d). Unsubscribe Rate: This indicates the recipients' percentage who unsubscribe or opt to leave your email list after receiving an email. A high unsubscribe rate suggests your content is not meeting subscribers' expectations. An unsubscribe rate below 0.5% is ideal.

e). Spam Complaints Rate: This is the recipient’s percentage of your email going to the spam folder. A rate above 0.1% can harm your sender's reputation and affect future email deliverability.

Wrapping Up

Email marketing is, without a doubt, the best way to draw in, interact with, and cultivate a following that will increase your company's sales and profits for all the good reasons.

Once you start using email marketing strategies effectively, you will immediately see an uptick in sales and revenue. When choosing the right email marketing service provider, especially for platform creators and small businesses, it's essential to look for an all-in-one solution that simplifies creating, marketing, and selling your online services.

That way, FreshLearn can be an excellent choice. FreshLearn offers robust tools for creating, marketing, and selling online courses, digital products, and more. You can create captivating, mobile-responsive emails in minutes using user-friendly email marketing templates.

Not just that, you can automate your email sequences to send personalized emails at the right time, enhancing customer relationships. Plus, our user-friendly interface and affordable pricing make it accessible for creators of all levels.

Try FreshLearn today and start crafting impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience.

Top 5 FAQs on Email Marketing

1. What is the ROI of email marketing?

The return on investment from email marketing is impressive. For every $1 spent, businesses can expect an average return of $36. So, email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing channels available.

Larger companies tend to see even higher ROIs, sometimes exceeding 41:1. The high ROI is attributed to the direct and personalized nature of email marketing, which drives substantial engagement and conversions.

2. How often should you send marketing emails?

The frequency of sending seasonal marketing emails can significantly impact their effectiveness. Research suggests that sending 9-16 emails per month yields the highest ROI, with an impressive 46:1 return.

However, sending too few or too many marketing emails can reduce engagement and ROI. It's essential to find a balance that maintains regular contact without overwhelming your subscribers.

3. How do you build a quality email list?

You can easily build a quality email list through these steps:

  • Incentives: Offer valuable incentives like discounts, free downloads, or exclusive content to encourage sign-ups.
  • Sign-up forms: Place sign-up forms on high-traffic areas of your website, social media pages, and events.
  • Double opt-in: Use a double opt-in process so you can be sure that subscribers genuinely want to receive your marketing emails. It helps maintain a healthy list and reduces bounce rates.

4. What tools should you use for email marketing?

FreshLearn is an excellent all-in-one platform for email marketing, especially for course creators and small businesses. It offers user-friendly templates, automated email sequences, and integrated calls to action.

FreshLearn also provides seamless payment integration, extensive customization options, and tools for building vibrant online communities.

5. How do you improve email open rates?

If you want to improve your email open rates, you must consider the following strategies:

  • Write compelling subject lines: Your email subject line should be attention-grabbing and relevant to entice recipients to open the email.
  • Personalize your emails: Use the recipient’s name and personalize the content to their interests and behaviors.
  • Optimize send times: Send marketing emails when your audience is most likely to check their inbox, often mid-morning or mid-week.
  • Test: Experiment with different email formats and send times to see what your audience prefers the most.
Online course Creation platform

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Aishwarya Lakshmi